Just Chatting

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Danny sighed heavily as he looked down at Dipper. Fenton was ever so slightly taller than Pines, but that was probably the two year age gap showing.

"You were after a glass of water?" He asked.

Dipper nodded, expecting Danny to point him in the direction of the kitchen. Danny instead decided to personally escort the fourteen year old to the kitchen himself. Something seemed off about the kid and he wanted to keep a close eye on his behaviour.

He kept his gaze locked on Pines as they entered into the kitchen. Danny grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it from the tap before placing it on the table and inviting the young teen to sit with him. Dipper awkwardly murmured his thanks and took a seat.

"So," Fenton began, leaning across the table as if it were a police interrogation, "my dad tells me you helped solve a wax figure's murder? Definitely strange."

Dipper almost choked on his mouthful of water and placed the glass back on the tabletop, staring across at Danny. He shrugged and sat back, "Yeah, funny story that one. My uncle bought a load of cursed wax figures and after he stopped displaying them, they tried to murder him but killed the wax version of him made by my sister."

The halfa chuckled at the story. He was alerted to a slew of pinging sounds from Dipper's phone.

"Someone's popular..." He commented passively.

"O-oh that's just my sister...she's been spamming me like crazy ever since I got here." Dipper lied as he fumbled to end the livestream. Pines sought to rapidly change the topic to divert attention away from his awful lying skills, "So, are you part of any paranormal forums? I bet if you are you get hounded by people!"

"Yeah actually, used to hate anything to do with ghosts but I guess you could say I've had a change of heart in the past two years." Danny replied.

"Cool! Which ones? I'm on sites like CryptChat, Beyond the Grave, GhostBox and a group known as Bump In The Night!" Dipper continued as he powered his mobile off.

"Hm, I've used CryptChat and GhostBox before but never heard of the others. I prefer the local pages like Casper High Haunts - that one's run by my friend Tucker."

"WAIT! Your friend runs Casper High Haunts?!" Pines beamed in pure nerd, immediately on his feet.

"Yeah, it's only a small page but I think it's pretty cool for keeping track of local news, you know it?"

"Know it? I was obsessed with his posts on the Amity Park ghost boy, still am to be honest." Dipper enthused.

Fenton froze upon hearing this, "Huh, thought I'd asked Tucker to stop writing about that..."


"Oh nothing, it's just a classified case my parents are working on. So what do you know about the ghost boy then?" Danny asked.

Before Dipper could even answer, a small wisp of chilled breath escaped from Danny's lips. This couldn't be good.

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