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His name was Kave Benton. 34 no wife, no kids. Haha getting trapped in a machete was the best thing to ever to happen to him, huh? He was apart of the United States National Guard. 601st Regiment 193rd Abnormal Tactical Specialist. Which is just a way of saying he was very good at what he did, which was to kill Reapers better known as Creepypastas. Among all the other soldiers he was most revered due to the fact he had killed three Reapers. More than anyone else in the world including me for now. The 3 Reapers he managed to kill were The Rake, The Boogeyman, and The Ripper. Each encounter scarred and frightened Kave even more. He had just woken up from another one of his incessant nightmares, sweating profusely and panting rapidly. "Why? Why do they plague me even after they are long gone." he asked the empty air. He got up from his cot and began walking towards the bathroom. His question made me curious so i decided to be creepy and freak him out. I began doing this by stomping on the floor outside the bathroom. When Kave flung open the door to find noone outside the door his fear rose slightly. He ran throughout the house turning lights on while screaming, "I KNOW YOU USE THE SHADOWS. I SAW YOU KILL THE CLOWN." "Way to be a stalker dude." I replied. Frightening him even more. "Where are you there arent any shadows for you to hide in." in response i said "That's where you are wrong. There's one shadow that is still around, and its....yours." The last thing Kave saw was Fujikome protruding from his chest with blood blossoming and cascading from the wound before he was stored into the blade. Turning a set of eyes on the blade blue.

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