My Mother, My Sisters

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The only merciful thing about their deaths was that it was quick and painless. I awoke to the strange feeling in my heart growing. It felt like it was trying to explode out of my chest. I arouse from my plethora of pillows and blankets to be greeted by the freezing cold air that inhabits my room. The uneasiness surged to new heights and encourage me to grab my machete. The machete was a foot and a half long without a hilt or guard. It always reminded me of Ichigo's Zanpakto from Bleach. I opened the door to my Harry Potter like room to the kitchen. Nothing seemed out of place. But as to be expected the uneasiness sweltered and become even stronger. I walked down the short hall to my mothers room. The door was closed which was very unusual because it was always open in case one of my sisters had a nightmare. Although that doesnt happen very much anymore since they are 11 and 14. A sudden reverie flashed to earlier to when i came home. I was just at the top of the stairs when i heard them arguing about something stupid. When i found them in the kitchen i told them to shut up and get along. Now that i think about i should have been easier on them and at least told them i loved them. My hand turned the doorknob and what lied in the room were the remnants of my mother. Never will i forget the sight of my moms face appearing as if she would come back to life and tell me she loves me and to stay out of trouble. A tear rolled down my face as i saw the blood staining the walls and the carpet. Suddenly i heard laughing coming from my sisters room. I sprinted into the room where i finally beheld the murderer of my mother.... and, now my sisters. "Why, hello Alonzo" said Jeff the Killer. I was frozen in sheer rage and hatred towards this person i thought was just a Creepy Pasta my girlfriend and cousin talked about. "Now, now" said Jeff, " Cant you see i made them beautiful!!" My hand tightened around the machete. The slight movement of my hand drew Jeff's attention. "Ooooooo now isnt that a nice little knife you have there." crooned Jeff. "If your not careful youll hurt someone." Up till this point i could only see his outline vaguely, but in that instant the moon came out from behind a cloud and i caught a glimpse of his face.

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