The Second Execution

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I sat in my room bored out of my mind. Then again it wasnt so bad. I managed to break into the electrical company and managed to resurrect my ps3. But continuously breaking the ring on WWE 2K15 gets old. I havent been out since the execution of the police officer. People noticed his dissaperance but noone found him. Oh well, its almost night now. I think ill go for a walk. I was on 24th street before i knew it and the urge was overwhelming. It was crushing me, suffocating me, drowning me but i still resisted. Thank Satan. I began my sojourn home but only walked a few blocks before i noticed i was being followed.  It was just a human. Probably a pedophile fooled by my feminine like long hair. I influenced the shadows to conceal me from him. When his sight of me was lost he sprinted to where i was a few moments ago. "Where did you go darling?" he cooed maliciously to the empty air. I was all buisness and sliced his throat. His blood stained and melted the snow. It was easily detached with a second blow. Just like the officer i placed the head upon the chest and repeated my prayer. "Its a cruel world, and youre a victim." I didnt bother hiding the body. There are 18000 people in my town. I plan to kill at least a thirs of them. After all Jeff needs a head start before i hunt him down

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