6 Months Later...

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My eyes snapped open as all the events came crashing down like a waterfall inside of my mind. Even though my eyes were open i could only see darkness. "Strange" i thought as i began moving to relieve  my limbs of stiffness and discomfort. I came to discover i was in a 6 ft enclosed space. Despite the cramped area i was at ease almost as if i were at home. A thought suddenly occured to me. " Its been 15 minutes and yet i havent run out of oxygen, and its still cold when my body temprature should have at least warmed me up a little." Suddenly a realization came to me. The realization was that i was stabbed in the chest right where my heart was. There was no way in hell i should have been alive. Feeling a new strength i pushed the wall of the enclosure in front of me. It gave way as if i had driven through an ant hill with a tank. The frosty midnight air blew through me vigourously. Out of the frying pan and into fire, except in my case it was more like out of the 6 ft hole into a blizzard raging in -17 degree weather. I surveyed the area but found myself staring at the tombstone which read: It's a cruel world. Alonzo E. Ulery February 5th, 1998-February 5th, 2015. I laughed because i thought how badly people would freak out because of the empty grave. I began to walk from the cemetary back to my home. It would only take 30-45 minutes and i knew the way there. I guess going back home would at least give me some clue as to where that twat Jeff went. That.....and i wanted to visit the house i called home and where i lived with my family.

When i arrived i could see the house was still abandoned. I began to count my steps. 5 steps until the stairs. One.Two.Three. Five steps to the second set of stairs. One... Two....Three... Six steps to the door and the final fifteen steps leading to the second floor. When i finished ascending the stairs i stopped and stared at the living room. Everything was in the same place. I continued walking and went into my sisters room. I knew the bodies wouldnt be there. I saw their tombstones next to mine at the cementary. What was left there was the blood stains on the walls and the floors. But that was not all that was left behind. Near a big puddle of dried blood which i assumed was mine was the machete.                                

-Lemme know how im doing so far

Go for the Throat (Creepypasta Gueststars)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ