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I awoke to the smell of acrid black smoke hanging above me. What the hell i thought to myself. Where did all this smoke come from? I got up and put my hand on the door knob which seared my hand. I grimaced and released the knob to turn on the light. The light flickered on as my mind raced as to how the fire started. It must have just started seeing as how i woke up before it killed me. I examined my hand which showed the burns were mild and would heal soon. I gotta get out but how. The door was closed and had a fire behind it. Wait im on a second story i can just break through the floor. In my panick i forgot about all my abilities and just resorted to brute strength. I began stabbing the floor with Fujikome as the flames began to turn the door into ashes. Fearing the door would fall into the room i pushed it back searing the flesh on my hands and allowing the inferno behind it to rush foward as the floor gave way. Upon impact one of my ribs to be shattered causing extreme pain and making breathing harder. I saw the flames scorching the spot i was moments before. I had narrowly escaped dying but i was still in danger. The extreme pain and rapid breathing began clouding my mind. Thankfully i still had Fujikome in my hand. Sticking the blade into the floor i tried getting up but became light headed and fell back on the floor agitating the rib even more. So this is how it ends with me laying on the ground about to burn, or be crushed when the house collapses on itself. As if to say i was right the house gave out a loud groan warning me it wouldnt be to long before it fell. Anger began seething within me, growing larger and larger. I will not die this way i recited in my mind. I rolled onto my stomach which caused me pure agony. I will not die. I started crawling slowly towards the door. I will not die. Another loud groan from the house encourage me to drag myself to the door faster. Thank Satan my room is above the living room. I will not die. I reached the door when suddenly i realized i might not reach the door handle. I will not die. Along my trail of torture and pain the rib had tore through my flesh and purple and black striped sweater, showing me what my rib looked like. I tore my eyes from it and braced myself for the pain i began to endure as i reached up and opened the door. No sooner had i flung myself out from the doorway the house collapsed in on itself flinging debris and ash all around. My vision became blurry from the pain. Before i blacked out i saw a tall man in a black suit vanish from my sight. I also heard Jane's whining voice complain, "Ugh now we have to carry him there."

Go for the Throat (Creepypasta Gueststars)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ