Chapter 22

414 21 34

I did really good at updating on time last week... this week, not so much 😤

TW: Drinking
Word Count: 2268

The elevator doors opened and I walked out of it with Bucky's arm around me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and attempted to walk as normal as I could.

"Hey guys," Steve said from the dining table. They were having dinner so they were all able to see me.

"Hey," Bucky replied, now partially holding me up.

"What's up with her?" Nat asked, looking at us.

"She's having, uh, lady problems with like her uterus, or whatever," he said and I let out a small laugh as my head fell onto his shoulder involuntarily.

"That was last week, though," Liss said from the table.

We kept walking across the room to the hallway, not answering her. I started to feel relieved that no one else mentioned the state I was in.

"What's wrong with Aunt Daisy?" I heard Ben ask Valerie quietly. I felt my heart sink as I remembered Bucky saying that it'd hurt them in the long run. I locked eyes with Val.

"You know Aunt Daisy," she said quietly. "She always gets sick."

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I was pulled into the hallway by Bucky. He held me tighter as I felt myself start to breathe heavily. Once we were in my room, I sat down on the bed and watched everything go blurry from the tears flooding my eyes.

I didn't pay attention to anything Bucky started to do as I sobbed loudly. All of the pain I've accumulated over the past few months finally started catching up to me. I felt my hands start to shake as I tried to wipe tears away from my face.

Mental breakdowns while intoxicated are horrible. I collapsed onto my knees next to my bed. I felt my vision start to black out even though my eyes were open. I remembered things I hadn't in a long time.

It felt like I was back on the scratchy carpet of his apartment. I gasped as I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Y-you could've killed me," I stuttered out from the floor. He'd just thrown a knife at me for whatever reason. It missed me and got lodged in the nightstand. It might've been because I'd just told him about the pregnancy.

"I'm a fucking monster," he said, reaching down and grabbing me by the hair. "You ready to give in yet?"

"I'm not getting an abortion, Cody," I said, shaking my head. "I'm going to have it without you around. I don't care if you don't want to be apart of its life, but I need this more than anything," I said, referring to the baby.

"You're so fucking dramatic," he said, letting out a chuckle. "Look at you, shaking on the floor because you're scared of me. You're not a fighter, sweetheart. Don't try to fight me on this one or I'll have to take a more proactive approach."

"I'm not scared of you. I'm keeping this baby," I said, starting to rise from the floor.

Instead of saying anything, he grabbed me by the throat and forced me back into the scratchy carpet.

I let out a loud shriek when I felt hands grab onto my wrists.

"Daisy," Bucky said gently. "Please come back to me." I tried to calm myself as I started to regain my senses although they were still being altered by the alcohol. I looked at him before throwing myself onto his seated figure. I hugged him tightly as I cried into his neck. "What happened?" He asked quietly.

"Flashback," I said simply, trying to calm myself down. After I pulled away, I noticed he'd been crying. "W-why?" Was all I could manage to say.

"You weren't responding to anything for a little bit there," he said, sniffling. "Got me nervous."

SOMETHING TO FORGET (BUCKY BARNES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now