Chapter 27

104 8 4

TW: None
Word Count: 2013

Liss and I met Nancy outside of the apartment building. We figured she'd have things to carry up and we wanted to help her.

"Hey, the apartment didn't get stolen after all," Liss said as I pushed open the door to the apartment.

"Thank god," I said, stepping into the apartment after I turned the light switch on. "I need to pee, be right back," I said, making my way to the bathroom quickly.

"You didn't tell me you weren't going to be Lara Croft this year," Liss said as I walked out of the hallway after I was done.

"Yeah I am," I said, shrugging.

"Then what's this for?" Nancy asked, motioning to a yellow ball gown on the couch.

"Uh, I have no idea where that came from," I said, approaching it. I noticed there was a note, and I read it before speaking up again. "Oh, it's from my mom. She wants me to wear it tonight," I said, handing Liss the note. "I can't believe she remembered that Belle's my favorite princess," I said, smiling down at the dress on the couch.

I noticed that the hanger had a Stark label on it, indicating that one of Tony's Iron-Servants delivered it to the apartment.

"It's a beautiful dress," Nancy said, picking it up. "Oh, what's that?" She asked, nodding to the box she'd uncovered.

I picked the gift box up and sat down on the couch. I placed it on my lap before I opened it. I saw shoes, a jewelry box, and roses in it. I pulled out another note.

"And dad provided the accessories," I said, smiling. I pulled out the jewelry box and opened it to see a set of a necklace, bracelet, and earrings. "They didn't hold back," I mumbled, pulling the bracelet out of the box.

"Jesus, Dais, this must've costed a fortune," Liss said, pulling out the heels.

"I mean, this note says they didn't want me to go out looking like I normally do."

"Are you even going to wear it then?" Liss asked. "I mean, you never really ever do anything they want you to do."

"But they obviously thought about this. A lot. I mean, it's too beautiful not to wear."

"I'm so excited," Nancy said, laughing. "I won't have to do the normal mud and dirt makeup you insist on having every year."

"Sadly," I said, laughing. "Oh, I should tell Bucky about the change of plans. It won't be the same if he keeps his costume." I called him and suggested an easy costume, not telling him about how I'd be Belle. I wanted to surprise him.

After hours of Nancy getting Liss and I ready, Liss helped me get the dress on. Nancy had somewhere to be, so she left a few minutes before. Liss strung up the back and started pulling both sides.

"Tight enough?" She asked, holding her hands where they were. I looked in the mirror and squinted.

"A little tighter. Stop," I said, after she made it tighter.

I started fluffing out my dress and playing with the many layers of tule. I did a few spins before laughing after I almost fell.

"So graceful," Liss said sarcastically.

"Shut up," I said, making my way to the jewelry box my parents got me. I put the earrings in and the bracelet on before I picked up the necklace. "Wait, I can't put this on," I said, looking down at it.

"Why not?"

"I'm wearing Bucky's."

"It doesn't match the earrings or bracelet. I'm sure he'd understand if you didn't wear it for one night."

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