Chapter 21

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Couldn't be me uploading in a timely manner 💀

TW: Drinking
Word Count: 2000

"How much more romantic do you want it to be?"

He ignored my question and turned me back around to face him. He looked down at me and broke out into a huge smile. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. His right hand found the back of my head and he held me close to him.

"Oh god," he said quietly, breathing out.

"What's wrong?" I asked, moving my head to be heard.

"I just— I don't think I've ever needed to hold onto anything this tight." I heard him sniffle quietly.

"Honey, why are you crying?" I asked, running my hand over his back gently.

"I don't remember much about before I fell, but you make me feel like I'm back there again. Like I'm not a hundred years old," he said quietly. "And I don't want anything to happen. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't," I said gently. Him crying made me cry. "Come on, Buck, we have to get ready for tonight," I said, pulling away from him and wiping my eyes. I reached up and wiped his away too. He bent down and gave me a kiss. "I love you," I said after he pulled away from me.

"I love you more."

"I need to do my makeup," I said, turning to the counter. "How about you get some socks on?" After we were done getting ready, I looked all over Bucky. "How did those thighs fit in those pants?" I asked, admiring them.

"Remember, they didn't fit in the other ones," he said, chuckling. "But you look absolutely stunning," he said, resting his hands on my shoulders. His thumbs ran over the chain of the necklace.

"Are you ready to go up to Tony and Pepper's?" I asked, grabbing onto his left hand with my right.

"If you are."

"We need to meet a few heathens first, though. Come on," I said, entering the hallway. We closed his door behind us.

We made it into the living area and the children almost immediately noticed us. They didn't move from their spots because they were probably scared of Bucky being a stranger and everything.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Dais," Liss said from the table. "And you don't look a day over thirty!"

"Fuck you," I said, laughing.

"Daisy!" Valerie yelled from the couch. She was feeding Jenny and talking to Nat. "Young, impressionable ears around."

"They know whatever Aunt Daisy says is always something they shouldn't? Right?" I asked, approaching the two. I crouched down to be near their height. "I'd like to introduce you two to Bucky."

"That's him?" Ben asked, glancing to him. "I thought his hair was longer."

"Yeah," I said, laughing. I reached behind me and grabbed ahold of his metal arm. "This is him."

"Oh," he said before looking at him. "H-hi, see-say-sir- What's that word again?" He asked, looking over at me.

"Sergeant," I said, letting out a laugh.

"Hi, Sergeant Bucky. I'm Sergeant Ben."

"Hi," he said, chuckling. "And what's your name?" He asked Lenny.

"Lenora," she mumbled. I saw Bucky give me a confused look.

"Lenora," I repeated.

"Oh, that's a pretty name," he said, and she laughed before hugging my side to hide from him.

SOMETHING TO FORGET (BUCKY BARNES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now