Chapter 3

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TW: None
Word Count: 2277

I woke up with Liss holding my hand as she slept on a chair. Her head on the bed, next to my arm. I looked to the right side of me and saw Bucky sleeping with his head tilted back onto the back of the chair. There's no way that could be comfortable.

I tried to reach out to poke him, but the IV wouldn't let me go that far. I said his name a few times. He's a light sleeper, so it actually worked and he jolted awake, smiling when he saw me. He grabbed his neck and groaned.

"Why'd you let me sleep like that?" He asked, moving his neck around.

"You did it yourself, and I woke you up as soon as I could."

"I'm sure you did," he said, laughing. "How are you feeling?"

"Like an idiot," I said, laughing. "How am I that stupid?"

"How did you even do it?" He asked suspiciously.

"I, uh, I thought someone was in the hallway, so I took a knife to check it out and then I ended up stabbing the wall. It went in too far and when I took it out, I didn't realize that my legs were farther apart than usual, I guess? I don't know, but I ended up cutting myself."

"You thought someone was in the hallway?"

"Yeah," I said, shrugging. "It's been happening a lot lately."

"Maybe living on your own isn't the best idea."

"If someone lived with me, they'd pick up a few stab wounds. I think I'm alright alone."

"I'm just saying, if I got there slower than I did, you would've probably bled out. They had to put so much blood back into you."

"Did they get it off of my floor or something?" I joked, laughing.

"Daisy, I get that joking about it helps you, but I really thought you were going to die. I don't think I've ever been as nervous as I was when I had to break your door down to get in to see you on the floor completely ignoring everything I told you to do."

"You broke my door?"

"Yes, but Tony's taking care of it. Why didn't you do anything I said to do?"

"I threw the bandage away after the second time I hurt my hand because it got all sweaty and gross after we had sex while I wore it a few times." I laughed, recalling the weird memory.

"You have a washer for a reason," he said and I stared at him blankly for a few moments, realizing I could've just washed it. "Are you telling me you didn't wash it at all?"

"Anyway, when I put my leg onto the counter, I lost balance and fell. I promise I tried to do everything you said to."

"Were you standing when you put your leg on the counter?" I nodded my head and he sighed. "I told you to lay down and prop it on the side of it."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did. Why would I tell you to balance on one foot when you were bleeding out?"

"Maybe I misheard you," I confessed, laughing a little bit. "How much blood did I lose?"

"The doctor said if you lost more than you did, you'd probably be in a coma."

"I've always wanted to see what it's like in a coma. Could you take some more out?"

"Daisy—" he said in a warning tone.

"I'm just joking," I said, motioning for him to stop talking. "Did I get like sickly pale and gross?"

"You still are," he said, lifting the blanket to reveal my leg.

SOMETHING TO FORGET (BUCKY BARNES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now