She put her blades back in her storage so she would not accidentally stab one of them. She held the blond girl and tall male in her arms while the other boy held onto her shoulders. The boy around her shoulders thankfully did not death grip her neck. Using ODM (obviously) she flung over the wall and shot her wires into more towns buildings. She noticed many people were in the hands of titans. She could have been saving them. The gas came out even more as she hurried to get these kids to the boats and save the others once they were safe. Suddenly, the kid on her back started to squirm.

The captain tched. She landed on a building extremely close to the gate that led into Wall Rose. Many people were in the streets running towards it.

    "What is it?" She asked.

    "I have... um... I have a family nearby! Please let me go to them!" The boy requested. "They still need help!"

"Wha? Bu-" Suddenly (Y/N) was tightly grabbed by a titan. It broke a rib or two and was extremely painful. The children gasped. Y/n clicked her tongue in annoyance and sliced the fingers off. Slicing the nape, she wiped her brow. "Fine. Make it quick and make it to the boats." She took the girl and tall boy and hurried to the boats as quick as she could. There were already hundreds crowded around the boats. One was already at its full capacity and was about to depart. She hurried to the front. Being a soldier with children, they allowed her and the kids on. Once they found a spot, the kids sat down. (Y/N) kneeled in front of the kids.

Y/n stared at them. I'm not really good with kids... "Um... I'm (Y/N). What are your names?" She asked with a blank face. However, inside, she was in immense pain.

    They looked up at her with curious eyes. The tall male cleared his throat.

    "I'm Bertholdt Hoover."

    "Annie Leonhart." The girl introduced quite apathetically.

    "Nice to meet you. I'm going to go help your friend. I'll be right back." She informed them.

"I wouldn't mind if he died." Annie whispered.

She stood up but before she could jump off, she heard thumping. What is it now? She wondered. The thumping was getting closer and quicker. She pulled out her blades for any threat that was coming. She looked to the gate. Suddenly, it let out a loud crash. Much like the outer gate of Shiganshina, large and small rocks were flung everywhere as well as dust. The gate had been broken as well, and the culprit was another titan that had things like armor around many parts of its body. It also Hair similar to... the boy she let go of? A coincidence probably. (Y/N) looked up and... Oh my...Soldiers were sent flying from the next breach. All were garrison soldiers. The titan opened its mouth and let out steam. It suddenly ran through the breach and away from (Y/N)'s eye. She immediately chased it. Crap! It's no longer just Shiganshina that is in danger... All of the land within Wall Maria is no longer safe! Humanity will be brought to live within Wall Rose. But there won't be enough space... When she got on top of the wall and looked around Shiganshina, she realized it was gone. She growled in frustration. Then she remembered the other male, Eren, and Mikasa. She told the other male she would come back so she kept her promise and went to look for him first. She swept each street and finally saw him running to the breach. A titan was chasing after him and humans most of the time can't outrun titans, let alone a child. She swooped in and grabbed him just as the titan swung his hand to grab the kid. He looked at you with surprise. He also had something in his eyes that said he had witnessed something like that before. Someone saved him, but maybe last time, it ended a bit differently?

"Don't worry! I'm taking you to the boat with your friends!" She assured him. She noticed his face. He had the same marks that Bertholdt had earlier. She decided to think about it later.

The 5th AckermannHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin