You Want A Face With Those Scars? | Dabi x Vigilante!Reader (Request)

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you a poster boy for the League?" I hum with a small tease, my lips upturning at the grotesque sight of this male being held together staples that seemed too unstable to begin with. A smirk plays on my lips as I lean against the wall beside me and clear my throat, "You guys sure care about your appearances, hm? Thought you were a model just now,"

"You know you're not exactly one to talk, shortcake," The male replies, his voice raspy, like he's been screaming at the top of his lungs and he hasn't drank some water to relieve the soreness in his throat. I'm surprise he can even talk considering he looks like a prime example of what happens at a fire accident, "You could have went for an easier get up,"

"You know your customer service skills need improving," I retort, crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes at him. A rather cynical snort leaving his lips as he walks toward me and plants a hand against the wall beside my head, "If you work in the recruitment sector of your little revenge club, you need to work on your people skills, Mister Fire Accident,"

"I think you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut," He growls gently, his hand heating up beside me. The intimidation is almost laughable. Does he not realise I've dealt with men a lot more crazier and stronger and scarier than he is? Then again, he seems like he's been tossed around in the street more than I would like to admit, "Lest you want to be incinerated,"

"Wow, big words from a guy looking like a rip off Hot Topic model," I muse playfully, hitting his hand away from by my head and clearing my throat, "You want a face with those scars, pretty boy? Seems like you have more staple than skin,"

"You know you're really annoying," The male growls, looking at me with piercing turquoise irises making me snort and giggle toward him, "Are you going to listen to me or just pick out every flaw you can find?"

"Go ahead, give me your elevator pitch," I tease, leaning toward him with a playful grin while he curses under his breath and looks away from me with a small growl, "You haven't even told me your name, Mister Fire Accident, you really know how to treat a lady? Huh? I feel so floored by this treatment,"

"The names Dabi, happy now?" Dabi replies making me hum with a raised eyebrow. Why do I have a feeling that that wasn't his birth given name? I mean, who names their child cremation unless they're crazy? Then again, this guy looks like he's been pulled into straight from a psycho movie, "Now, I'm from the —"

"League of Villains, it's kinda obvious," I reply simply, nodding toward the tons of wanted posters dotted around the street as well as the tv screens across the way in the tv store showing the League at their best, "I didn't take you for an errand boy, I thought big bad Shigaraki did everything for himself?"

"Would you let me talk?" Dabi seethes, cursing under his breath as I grin at him. I'm under his skin. Typical. It's funny seeing him all riled up, "Shigaraki's noticed you don't particularly like heroes,"

"Oh I like heroes," I begin simply, leaning against the wall behind me and resting my head against the bricks, "I just don't like money hoarding, domestic abusing, tyrannical pigs that think that their hero status will protect them from being found out,"

"So you follow Stain's ideologies," he hums impressed, hunching over my smaller form making me roll my eyes and clear my throat, "That all heroes but All Might are deserving to have the status they —"

"If you follow Stains ideals, you're quite the hypocrite," I explain, shaking my head as he narrows his eyes and frowns, "You work for the guy who wants All Might dead and the man that ruined his career? I follow what I believe is right, Dabi, I don't follow anyone's ideals or beliefs,"

"You'd be a great fit in the league," he continues, ignoring my jab toward him as he twirls a strand of my hair around his staple - full fingers, "You could be a great help,"

"I'm sure I would but I don't work for anyone," I explain, grabbing his chin and making him stare at me as he clears his throat, "So you tell your leader, Shigaraki or whatever, that I am not interested in whatever he has to offer to me and that your little revenge party is nothing,"

"Why not?" He asks arching a brow, wincing as I gently squeeze his chin making his staples rip his skin slightly, "God you got a strong grip,"

"Because I work for no one," I tell him, letting him pull away before clearing my throat and running my fingers through my hair, "Now run along, messenger boy, wouldn't want to keep big bad boss waiting, now, would we? Go on little doggie,"

Before he can throw a punch my way, I grab onto the bottom of a high rising fire exit and hoist myself onto it with a small hum. A laugh leaving my lips as Dabi stares up at me with wide eyes while I send him a little condescending wave and a mocking blow of a kiss before turning on my heels and pushing onto the roof of the building nearby. Once out of sight, I run across the rooftop and jump over them with a flourish.

The League don't care who they kill nor do they care about the wellbeing of others. They have these little missions to fuel their own selfish gain. Shigaraki being the ringleader of it all and acting like a spoilt brat whenever something doesn't go his way. Then everyone else trickles after him with their own plans and flourishes. They don't care about society. They want to see it fall. They want to see it crumble under the immense pressure and wreck havoc.

They're not being considerate.

I don't work like that. I don't work for my own gain. What I do, is something that protects people that need it the most. I protect people who are being subjected by who they thought were heroes. Giving them a voice. Giving them a way out of this mess before it gets too real. Before something dreadful catches up to them and ruins their lives. That's what's different between Shigaraki and I.

What's the point of working for someone that only wants to use me as a pawn for their little game? Shigaraki would only exploit my strengths and then discard me when he's through with me. Dismiss me before I even get my tuppence. Then leave me to rot on the street like in nothing.

Why should I be a pawn when I can be the queen of my own game?...

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