Chapter Nineteen

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Reader's POV:

A darkness consumed me, overwhelmed by silence. I tried to move but I was weighed down by someone on top of me. My vision was distorted by tears, silent tears flowing down my cheeks as my heart plummeted into my stomach, each beat heavier than the last. Blinking away tears, I tried to clear my vision, but still, I couldn't see anybody. My arms were pinned above my head, and I tugged at them trying to free myself, but a vice like grip kept my hands firmly pinned down.

"Please.." I begged, a pathetic attempt, my voice small, barely above a whisper.

A laugh echoed in my ear, an evil chuckle. A face suddenly coming into view. Him.

His lips stretched out into a wicked grin, revealing yellow stained teeth, his stale breath lingering over my face as I stared into the eyes of a monster.

"Please.. stop.." I attempted to shake him off me even though I could barely move.

His body began to jerk against me, followed by a harsh pain radiating through me. I tried to scream but all that came out was a quiet whimper.

When he finished he rolled off me, panting. I shivered, my whole body shaking, and he pulled me to him, holding me close. I silently sobbed as I repeatedly hit him. My fists weak against his chest, trying to push him away

"Get off me.. get off me.." I repeated, each hit becoming stronger as my sadness turned into anger. I looked up into his eyes, but it wasn't him. His face moulded into someone else.. Lana.


"Shh baby, it's ok, you're ok." She rocked me back and fourth as I clung to her, my eyes scanning around the room, my room.

"I came over to check on you, I know you told me not too, but I was really worried. I heard you crying. I think you were having a nightmare." She continued to soothe me, stroking my hair and peppering light kisses to the top of my head.

I looked up, blinking away tears as I quietly muttered her name. She responded with a soft smile, brushing my hair away from my forehead, that was slightly sticky with sweat.

"You have a temperature.." She noted, the back of her hand pressed lightly against my head. "Have you eaten today?" She then asked, her voice soft and full of concern. I wasn't aware what time it was, but I appeared to have slept the whole day, blue skies now darkening.

I shook my head, pulling away from her and sinking underneath the covers despite how warm I was feeling. I could feel the sheets soaked with my sweat, but couldn't bring myself to get out of bed.

"Darling.." She sighed, peeling back the covers. "You need to eat something.."


"I brought soup.."

I shook my head. I didn't need to eat, I needed to forget.

She quickly changed the subject, not trying to force food on me when I clearly wouldn't listen. "What were you dreaming about?" She asked, her voice a little hesitant, almost like she was afraid of what my answer would be.

I directed my gaze across the room and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't remember." I lied. Lana didn't question me further as we both remained silent.

She continued to play with my hair, softly stroking my head. It soothed me, made me feel safe and protected, but it didn't make me forget what had happened. I shuffled closer to her, keeping my face hidden so she couldn't see the tears that were streaming down my face. I wrapped my arms around her, forgetting about my injured wrist, and when she linked her fingers through mine and lightly squeezed, I winced, snatching my hand away.

She stilled her movements, before tilting my head up to look at her, only now noticing my tear stained cheeks and glistening eyes.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Confusion and concern were written all over her perfect face. I didn't say anything, just released a few more unwanted tears down my face as I tucked my bottom lip under my top so she couldn't see the uncontrollable quivering.

A soft sigh left her lips, as she frowned, her hand slipping under the covers, pulling my arm out and slowly sliding up the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I didn't realise the extent of my injury until I saw how badly swollen my wrist was and the blue and black discolouring of the skin around the area.

Lana emitted a quiet gasp as she held my wrist, inspecting it closely. "Darling.. what happened? How did you do this?" She asked, softly stroking my hand.

I was caught off guard, I hadn't thought of a good enough excuse as to what had happened. Flashbacks swarmed my mind, the sound my wrist made when it met concrete making me shudder.

"I.. uhm.." I stuttered, words getting lost in the back of my throat. "I tripped and fell." It was a typical excuse, but didn't involve many questions, so I thought.

"How? When?" She asked. Her concern increasing slightly.

I shrugged, avoiding her inquisitive eyes. "Last night.. in the shower." I whispered, hoping she was believing my story.

"Did you hit your head?"

I shook my head, no.

"It definitely looks broken, but I'm not a doctor so I can't say for sure." She examined it more closely, a quiet sob escaping me as she lightly pressed against the bruising.

"Come on, we're going to the hospital."

I pulled my hand away, groaning slightly as I shook my head. "It's fine. It'll heal on its own." I knew that a broken bone didn't just heal on its own, not unless seen by a doctor, but there was no way in hell I could face going to the hospital. A doctor wouldn't just believe I fell in the shower.

"You need to go to hospital!"  She held onto my face so I couldn't look away, her eyes searching mine. "It'll only get worse if you don't.." I didn't answer, just chewed on my lower lip, holding my wrist securely against my chest. "Please.. for me?"

I sighed softly, staring into Lana's pleading eyes, before I nodded my head, muttering a quiet "Ok."

I would do anything for her, I just couldn't risk her finding out what really happened.

Sorry for making you wait so long, I hope you're still enjoying the story, if not I apologise. 🙈

Anyway, please vote and comment if you liked it and as always thank you for your support.
~T ~

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