Chapter Twenty One

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Lana's POV:

"What's wrong with her? I've never seen her like this before.. could it just be a virus?"

"Possibly. We'll run some tests when she wakes up and keep her in overnight for observation."

I nodded my head slowly as the doctor left the room, my eyes trained on my girlfriend who lay limp in a hospital bed. She looked lifeless, her face pale and colourless. I had to watch closely to make sure she was breathing because she looked dead. It was a frightening image. I didn't know what to do, I'd never seen her like this before. I didn't understand what happened. The other night we were going out to celebrate my new book idea, and now.. this. What happened in that time span? Why did she leave the bar to go home? She said she wasn't feeling good but she seemed fine all day. Why didn't she wait for me to come back and then we could go home together, so I could take care of her?

My mind was on overdrive.

Is she getting sick of me? Is she planning on breaking up with me? I don't think my heart could handle that, I'm so madly in love with her. When she collapsed earlier, my heart practically broke. Seeing her like this breaks my heart.

I softly stroked her good hand, eyes lingering on her broken wrist. She said she fell in the shower. I believe her, but I feel like she's hiding something. Maybe I'm just overthinking, she'd never lie to me.

I need to phone work. Tell my boss I won't be in for the next few days, he won't like it, but I don't care, y/n comes first, always.

Clothes, I need to go home and get her a change of clothes and other things she may need. I don't want to leave her side, what if something happens whilst I'm gone? I just wish I could take her pain away. I hate hospitals, always have but I would happily switch places with her.

"Lana..?" I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts by her sweet voice. Her eyes fluttered open and closed as her eyes found mine.

"Hi darling, you're awake." Tears sprung to my eyes but I quickly batted them away when I saw y/n's gaze lock with mine. My sweet girl was clearly confused as she began to frantically search the room.

"It's ok, you're ok.. do you remember what happened?" I gently squeezed her hand which instantly seemed to relax her and her eyes were fixed on me again.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, eyes becoming cloudy with tears. "I'm so sorry.." I had no idea why she was apologising, she hadn't done anything wrong, nonetheless I proceeded to tell her that it was ok, everything was going to be ok.

Her face relaxed a little and she practically clung onto my hand. "You gave me quite the scare." I whispered, gently caressing her cheek.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice full of confusion.

"You collapsed.." I softly stroked her cheek with the back of my hand. Her face was warm even though she was as white as a ghost, and my hand lingered for a moment as I pushed a few strands of hair out of her face.

Her brows furrowed slightly as she broke eye contact. "Oh.." Her voice was barely a whisper, and she looked sad.

"What is it?" I hoped she would tell me what was really going on, but I didn't want to push her.

"I just want to go home.."

"I know.. the doctor said she's going to keep you in overnight just to make sure you're ok.."

Her face crumpled, looking slightly panicked. "I just want to go home.." she said a little louder, before the tears came, slowly rolling down her cheeks.

I wiped away her tears and gently shushed her. I didn't bother saying anything else, because I didn't want to upset her more than she already was.

Silence filled the air, with y/n's quiet sobs being the only thing I could hear.. and the subtle break of my heart; but only I could hear that.

Y/n slowly calmed down, her sobs turning into small whimpers.

"You're awake.." The silence was suddenly broken as Dr Osbourne entered the room. I offered her a small smile, but her eyes were fixed on y/n.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm ok.." Y/n whispered in a daze. "When can I go home?"

"I think we're going to keep you in overnight for observation and to run some more tests to see what's going on.." I could see that y/n was about to protest but she wasn't given a chance when the doctor spoke again, her eyes trained on me this time.

She smiled politely, although it seemed a little forced but I just ignored it. "I'm going to run some tests and get her wrist x-rayed.. it could take a while so why don't you go and get some of her things? Also maybe get some rest as well, you look exhausted."

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave her side. "Is that ok? Would you like me to stay?"

Y/n managed a small smile, the first smile in a couple days. It made me feel a little bit more relaxed, her smile could light up a room, even if it was just a subtle one. I still didn't feel comfortable leaving her. However, she nodded giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "I'll be ok.." she whispered. "I just want to get out of here.." she then mumbled, releasing my hand.

Doctor Osbourne could sense my hesitation, she said; "I'll look after her." Accompanied by a reassuring smile.

I placed a light kiss to the back of y/n's hand, and then one on her forehead, my lips lingered for a moment before I pulled away. "I'll be quick." I whispered before leaving my girl in the hands of Dr Osbourne.

Hey gays and gals, I'm trying to be a lot more consistent with my updates so here you go. This chapter was originally going to be longer, followed by the readers POV, but I didn't want to make the chapter too long. (I hate reading super long chapters)

I've also planned out the rest of the story and what's going to happen in each chapter. (with help from my very talented girlfriend) 🙈 They should be around 40 chapters. Before you ask, yes Lana will find out, hopefully in the next couple of chapters.

Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please let me know your thoughts, I love reading your comments.
~T ~

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