Chapter Thirty Two

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*Four months later*
Reader's POV:

The arrest on Chris was almost immediate when the police discovered security cameras in the stairwell, too bad they couldn't hear what we were arguing about. I just wish I was there to see him get hauled out of his office in handcuffs as he yelled obscenity's at the officers.

They held him in custody for several hours and questioned him about everything I'd told them. Of course he tried to deny pushing me down the stairs, but that didn't go down well when it was there in black and white. He also denied that he raped me, said it was something I'd just made up after he declined my 'advances'. I had to laugh when the police told me, the thought of ever being interested in that.. monstrosity was simply.. comical. The baby could have proven that he was lying but thanks to him there was no baby.

So, unfortunately with no physical evidence they were unable to charge him with my rape, but they did charge him with 2nd degree aggravated assault which I guess was something. He was later sentenced to 2 years with the chance of parole after he made a deal to plead guilty for a reduced sentence. Which meant that within a year he could walk free, so he'd basically already gotten away with everything.

I mentally kicked myself for not turning him in straight away or at least keeping the clothes I was wearing that night. He could have been getting more time if I had of gone to the police sooner.

What would happen when they finally released him? Would he come after me? After Lana? Not if he had any active brain cells which clearly he did not. Besides, when he got out me and Lana would be long gone. For the most part, we'd began to move on with our lives. No point reliving the past when there was nothing we could do to change it.

We'd recently been discussing packing up, moving far away and starting over, which I was all for, after everything that had happened. A fresh start was probably what we both needed.

My head rested back against Lana's chest as she lightly ran her fingers up and down my arm, instantly relaxing me, eye lids falling heavy as I exhaled slowly. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was actually able to breathe, to relax, bask in the blissfulness of just being with Lana.

Warm water swished around us, as I lay peacefully between Lana's legs. Her lips brushed against my forehead, drawing the corners of my lips up into a content smile. Brushing back damp hair from my clammy forehead she broke the silence, voice soft and soothing. "How are you feeling?" She asked which had become an everyday occurrence recently. I wasn't complaining, it was nice to have someone who cared enough about me to check in with me occasionally.

"Sleepy." I whispered, eyes flickering open to meet her chocolate brown orbs.

"Maybe we should finish washing up and get out before the water gets cold?" Another tentative kiss was placed on my forehead.

A small pout formed on my lips as I softly shook my head. "Not yet."

Lana's chuckle echoed throughout the bathroom, infectious as always, before she tilted my head back slightly so she could reach my lips, kissing away my pout. A content hum vibrated in the back of my throat as I relaxed into the kiss, lips moving against hers accordingly. There was something about Lana's kisses that just made my insides melt like butter but also made my heart thump hard against my chest in a frantic rhythm, like it was our first kiss all over again.

Before the kiss could go any further we pulled apart, breath mingling together as we panted slightly. "Ok let's finish up and go to bed." I tried to stifle a yawn but failed earning a subtle smirk from Lana before she kissed me lightly on the tip of my nose.

♡ ♡ ♡

"What about moving somewhere quiet and secluded? Away from the city." Lana propped her chin on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Like the countryside?" I met her gaze through the mirror, the corner of my mouth quirking up into a soft smile.

Nodding her head, her smile matched mine. "We could get like a cottage or something? We can pretty much work from anywhere really, and it'll give me chance to get my book finished, maybe you can help me?"

My smile grew wider seeing Lana's excitement twinkle in her chocolate eyes. I'd always loved the countryside, having taken quite a few trips there with my grandparents before they died. There was something just so peaceful and tranquil about being miles away from the rest of the world, and right now that's exactly what we both needed.

"Yeah.." I nodded. "That sounds lovely." I turned, hooking my arms around her neck. "To be honest I don't care where we end up, as long as I'm with you." My lips met hers, colliding slowly, gently moving together in unison. "You're my home."

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is super short but it was a good place to end it. There's only going to be a handful more chapters before I bring it to an end. Anyway let me know your thoughts!
~T ~

Desire: One Woman's Story of Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ