Chapter Eleven

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Reader's POV:

After what was a very stressful week at work for both Lana and I, we decided to spend the weekend at mine. We had hardly been given two seconds alone the entire week, so we were now both glad to just spend time with one another, enjoying each other's company before Lana's book tour started next week, and was scheduled to last at least a month. Then we really wouldn't have any alone time.

We were currently cuddled up on the sofa watching some old movie that Lana had picked out. Lana's eyes were glued to the tv screen, she seemed very invested in whatever film it was, I however, had other more exciting plans.

I peeked up at the brunette and began placing soft kisses to the side of her neck, flicking my tongue across her pulse point in an attempt to coax her attention away from the tv screen. Nothing. I pressed my body up against hers and she just rubbed up and down my back in response as her eyes were still focussed on the movie. I rolled my eyes as a groan left the back of my throat and I swear I saw a smirk pull at her lips, but she just bit her lip to cover it up probably thinking that I wouldn't notice.

My hand moved from where it rested on her thigh to her hip and then slowly slid under her shirt. I brushed my fingers over her flesh very gently, grazing her hipbone with my fingertips, a smirk now tugging at my own lips, before I began to furiously tickle her. She jumped as she made an attempt to grab my hand but I quickly straddled her, using my free hand to tickle her other side.

"Y/n!" She squealed as she wriggled underneath me in a fit of giggles. "Stop tickling me!" She gasped as she threw her head back.

"Ha! Got your attention now." My hands froze and I waited until her breathing returned to normal and the panting died down. She lifted her head up and her gaze met mine, a tiny pout on her lips.

"You're mean!" She whined and I just chuckled in response, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, but you love it!" I winked, leaning down and capturing her lips in mine.

Before things could heat up there was a sudden knock at the door, evidently ruining the moment. I groaned against her mouth and slowly pulled away.

"Who could that be?" She asked, glancing towards the door.

I reluctantly climbed off her. "Probably one of my neighbors, they're always borrowing shit." I made my way towards the door. "They need to work on their timing skills." I mumbled to myself.

I sighed, trying not to look so annoyed as I flung open the door. My eyes widened when I saw who it was and my heart started beating rapidly, I thought I was going to pass out for a second as the room started to spin.

"Mum?" I croaked out in a small, barely audible voice. We hadn't seen each other in over three years, and we hadn't parted on the best of terms.

"Well aren't you going to invite me in?" A part of me wanted to slam the door in her face and pretend like she didn't exist, however I stepped aside, allowing her entry into my apartment. The overbearing scent of her perfume hit me as soon as she walked past and I had to steady myself against the door.

Lana quickly stood from the couch, pausing the movie, and my mum's eyes met hers. The brunette smiled awkwardly and I had to practically force words out of my mouth to break the tension. "Lana, this is my mother, and mum this is.."

Before I could finish the introductions my mum interrupted me, finishing them for me. "Lana Winters.. yes. I've heard a lot about you." She placed her bag on the floor and shrugged off her coat handing it to me to hang up. "I've read your book. Well the first chapter, but then I just simply lost interest after that." She wandered around my apartment, having a nosy and I quickly mouthed "Sorry" to Lana. The brunette just smiled, shaking her head.

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