Chapter Twenty

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Reader's POV:

The car ride to the hospital was short and quite unbearable. I couldn't bring myself to look at Lana knowing I was lying to her; but I could feel her eyes on me every couple of minutes. I didn't need to look at her to see how worried she was, it was obvious by the way she was breathing and the silence that filled the car. I could practically hear the wheels turning inside her head, unanswered questions and concern flooding her brain. Lana couldn't be kept in the dark forever, but for now keeping her in the dark was easier than having her know the truth.

♡ ♡ ♡

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I flinched, mumbling curse words under my breath whilst the doctor; a tall blonde lady, Dr Osborne, her name tag read, not so gently examined my wrist. She lifted her gaze, shooting me an apologetic look before she spoke.

"I'll get you booked in for an x-ray just to be sure but it definitely looks to be broken." The doctor said as she delicately manoeuvred my arm, placing it into a sling.

I could feel Lana's eyes on me the entire time, almost like she was scared to take her eyes off me.. or she was trying to work out what was really wrong with me. Either way, I didn't like it so I just kept my gaze glued to the floor.

"So.. how did this happen?" Dr Osborne broke the silence. My heart dropped into my stomach. Is it hot in here? That same nauseating feeling I felt after Lana had called me, rippled through me.

"I fell.. in the shower.." I stuttered out, the nauseating feeling getting closer and closer to the surface. I covered my mouth with a shaky hand, and just as I was about to vomit into said hand, the doctor quickly grabbed a sick bowl which, in 0.2 seconds I was violently throwing up into, and quicker than that, Lana was by my side.

"Let it all out sweetheart.." she soothed, rubbing small circles on my back. I felt oddly violated, having both the doctor and Lana witness me vomiting, but after a couple seconds of gagging and trying to force myself to throw up more because I couldn't stand the pain I was feeling inside my stomach, I finally managed to calm down.

"Did you hit your head when you fell?" That's exactly what Lana had asked me. I shook my head, wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my sweatshirt, a few tears escaping down my cheeks, and a burning sensation lingering in the back of my throat.

"I'm just going to check you over anyway.. could you lay down on the bed for me." I was too exhausted to put up a fight, so I did as I was told, with a little help from Lana. The quicker this was done, the quicker I could go home and just sleep. Hopefully I would wake up with complete memory loss of the past 24 hours.

"She has been feeling quite unwell today, she had to take the day off work.. and I don't think she's eaten much." Lana's hand brushed against my arm and I could feel her tremble slightly. I subtly glanced at her, noticing all the colour drained from her face and her eyes go wide as she chewed on her lower lip, watching the doctor as she carefully examined me.

"How long has she been feeling unwell?" The doctor asked, shining a bright light into my eyes. I'd rather they not talk about me as though I was a child, unable to answer for myself. I just stared up at the ceiling, trying my best to tune everything out.

"Since.. last night, maybe?" A question directed at me and when I didn't answer Lana spoke again. "Y/n?" I just shrugged, an overwhelming  feeling consumed me. My head hurt. Like someone was drilling into my skull. I was hot but cold at the same time and I felt dizzy. I squeezed my eyes shut but it just made everything worse.

"I need to go.." My voice was barely a whisper.

"We're almost done.."

"I need to get out of here.." My voice a little louder.

"It's ok darling, we'll be able to go home soon.. the doctor just needs to-"

"I need to get out of here NOW!" I practically growled, not giving Lana chance to finish her sentence. I quickly climbed down from the bed, pushing past Dr Osborne. The room was spinning now, and I staggered towards the exit which just seemed to get further and further away. I heard Lana's voice from beside me but it was muffled, almost like she was under water. She looked scared, her eyes watery. Her lips were moving but I couldn't understand what she was saying.

Then my whole body went limp, like all the energy was sucked out of me, and I collapsed like a rag doll, my head hitting the floor. Lana's face was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.

Sorry my updates have been very slow, I just don't have the motivation right now but I'm trying, just bare with me. 😅 Please let me know your thoughts! Also, sorry this chapter is super short. The next one will be longer.

Ps. I hope you all had a great Christmas and new year!
~T ~

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