Chapter Three

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Reader's POV:

I couldn't stop staring at the clock for the rest of the day. Time seemed to slow down and I felt agitated, I couldn't keep still. A mixture of nerves and excitement overpowered me thinking about my date with Miss Winters. I'd never really gone on a date before, not even with a man let alone a woman. Was it even a date? We were only going for a drink after work, something co-workers usually did. I was over thinking this way too much, it was just a drink.

I began sorting through a bunch of papers, trying to busy myself, using them as a distraction and I couldn't help but glance at the clock one last time. It was 4:45, just fifteen more minutes. I took a sneaky peek over to Miss Winters office but it was vacant. I hadn't seen her much for the rest of the day and I felt myself missing her.

Suddenly right on cue, I saw her through the window making her way into the office. She must have gone home because as she got closer I noticed she had changed into a loose fitted dress that flowed nicely, stopping just before her knees. It was extremely difficult to take my eyes off her but I just about managed to pull them away, staring down at the papers in front of me.

The sound of heels against the wooden floor grew louder, indicating she was now only a few feet away. I glanced up just in time to see Chris and the rest of the douche bags staring at her, their eyes roaming her body. One of them wolf whistled. I couldn't tell who it was, probably Chris; and he caught my eye smirking at me, I glared daggers at him. Miss Winters probably saw the look on my face and who it was directed at because as she approached my desk she gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. I tore my eyes away from Chris with a forced smile, looking up at her.

"We'll head out in a couple minutes, ok?" My smile was less forced now and I nodded. She gave my shoulder one last squeeze before walking to her office. As I turned back around I could see Chris staring at me out of the corner of my eye but I just stared blankly at my computer screen, I was not going to give him the attention he wanted. I was also afraid that if I looked at his smug face one more time I was going to march over there and punch him.

♡ ♡ ♡

As we walked into the bar the smell of alcohol hit me straight away. It was quite empty which was kind of a relief for me as I usually had really bad anxiety in crowded places. Soft music played out and it made the atmosphere more welcoming, putting me at ease. We managed to secure a booth in the corner and I shrugged off my coat placing it to the side.

"So, what are you having?" Miss Winters shrugged off her coat, placing it neatly on top of mine.

I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment before answering. "I'll just have a white wine please." I rarely drank alcohol but when I did my go to drink was usually a vodka and coke; but seen as we were just having a quiet drink, a white wine seemed like the more sensible option. The last thing either of us needed was her witnessing my drunken antics.

"Coming right up." She smiled down at me before sauntering over to the bar. I felt myself staring at her longer than I intended to and she glanced over at me, offering a small smile and a wave. I felt myself go red at the fact she had caught me staring at her and I immediately averted my gaze down to my entwined hands that rested in my lap. A few seconds later she was back at the table and she slid in the booth next to me, gently placing my drink down in front of me.

"Thank you," I glanced over seeing she had gotten the same as me and couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. I took a big gulp of the liquid, in an attempt to calm my nerves, before turning my body slightly to face her. I could feel her eyes on me the entire time, a small smile on her face.

"There's no need to be nervous," She giggled, taking a sip of her own drink.

Crap, is it really that obvious? I chewed on my lower lip for a second. "There's me thinking I hid it so well." I joked, taking another gulp of wine. I felt her hand on my thigh underneath the table and it sent a jolt of electricity through my whole body.

"Just relax, darling." She gave my thigh a gentle squeeze. I almost felt a whine escape my lips at the loss of contact when she removed her hand. I racked my brain for something to say, something to ask her but my mind had gone completely blank, still thinking about her hand on my thigh. "So," She started. Thank god for that, I thought to myself. "I've been working with you for about 3 months now and I still don't know a thing about you, tell me about yourself." Oh god, that dreaded question.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, swirling the liquid around the glass before taking a drink.

Her eyes left me for a split second as though she was thinking of something to ask. "Are you single?" Was the first question she asked and I couldn't help but smirk into my glass as I took another sip of wine. It was kind of obvious I was, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here with her now and I wouldn't have opened my fat trap about having a crush on her earlier.

I nodded my head, "I am," I swear I saw her eyes light up at my response. "I was seeing someone for a few months but it didn't work out." I pushed my now empty glass to the side, resting my arms on the table. I immediately felt the wine go to my head a little but I was definitely more relaxed now, nerves long gone.

"What happened?" She downed the rest of her wine pushing her glass away.

I sighed. "Well, it was all a little too much too fast. He told me he loved me within the second month of us dating. I did really, really like him but it takes me a long time to start falling for someone. I think he was more in love with the idea of being in love than actually being in love with me." I paused for a second. "I don't know, we argued all the time which is one of the reasons we broke up." She hummed at my response and now it was my turn to ask her.

"So what about you Miss Winters? Are you single?" I smiled playfully at her. I was definitely more relaxed now.

"You do realise you don't have to call me Miss Winters?" She laughed, "Call me Lana."

I grinned like a school girl "Ok Lana," Her name rolled of my tongue so smoothly. "Are you single?" I was beginning to be a little flirty with her which was definitely down to the wine; but I liked this side of me, I should drink more often.

"Yes, I'm single." I already knew what the answer was going to be but just hearing her say it made my stomach do flips and I had to restrain myself from grinning stupidly.

♡ ♡ ♡

We spent a couple hours at the bar and four wines down I was definitely starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. The entire night was spent flirting playfully with one another and stealing glances and little touches here and there. As we both stood up to leave, I wobbled slightly. Maybe I was a tad more tipsy than I initially thought. Lana put her hands out to steady me, linking her arm through mine. "You ok?" She giggled.

I nodded my head slowly, trying my best to focus my gaze on her. "I'm good."

As we left the bar I was greeted with the chilly winter air and instantly pulled my coat tighter around me. I was still wobbling slightly and was grateful for Lana trying her best to keep me steady as we walked down the street.

"Do you like hot chocolate?" She asked as we turned a corner.

"I love hot chocolate!" I could do with a warm drink because I was bloody freezing!

"Maybe we could head back to mine and sober you up a little?" She giggled. At this point I was practically giddy. I didn't want the night to end so I accepted her offer and we got a cab back to her place.

So here's chapter 3. Sorry it's so short. I did carry it on, including the part where they go back to Lana's but decided to split them into two chapters because it would have been too long and I actually haven't finished writing the other part yet haha!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think.
~T ~

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