Chapter Thirty Four - Epilogue

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*Six years later*
Reader's POV:

The early morning sun cast a gentle glow over the room, slowly rousing me from my temporary state of unconsciousness. My eyelids flickered slightly adjusting to the bright light as I stretched out my limbs and muffled a quiet yawn behind my hand.

"Good morning," a soft voice stole my attention as I breathed out a content sigh, turning to face my wife.

Nuzzling closer to her, stealing some of her warmth I whispered; "Good morning," before lightly brushing my lips against hers. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, glancing over Lana's shoulder to check the time, it was almost 9:00am.

"Just a couple minutes," she paused to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I didn't want to wake you, you were up late last night." She then added, her thoughtfulness making my heart flutter.

The bedroom door suddenly burst open, twin 3 years olds (almost 4) giggling mischievously as they climbed up onto the bed and began jumping all over Lana and I. "Wake up, wake up, wake up." They both chanted in perfect unison, Elliot-James bouncing on Lana, whilst Emilia-Grace attacked me with sloppy kisses.

"We're awake!" I groaned as I returned the favour, holding Emilia's tiny head in my hands, kissing every inch of her face as she giggled and squirmed uncontrollably.

"Momma, help!" She squealed between laughter; one of my favourite sounds to hear.

"Sorry sweetheart, I have my hands full." Lana replied, subjecting Elliot to a torturous tickling.

Once we had decided that both children had suffered enough we pulled them close and each kissed the top of their head. "Is it Christmas yet?" Elliot broke the silence, a small lisp behind his words that always melted my heart. His big brown eyes gazed up at Lana, a hopeful smile on his face.

Lana glanced over at me, a small smirk tugging at her lips. Both children now looked at me expectantly, their little faces growing with excitement. I shook my head softly, ruffling Elliot's hair. "Not yet buddy, 2 more days."

Simultaneously they both whined, harbouring sullen looks as they stuck out their bottom lip. "But that's so far away!" Emilia huffed.

I had to refrain from chuckling at her dramatics, sharing a look with Lana as she reached over to console Emilia. "Well, if you're both good and eat all your breakfast you might be able to have one of your presents early."

Their spirits quickly lifted, donning matching grins as they enthusiastically agreed to Lana's compromise. "Yay!" They exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"I be very good momma!" Elliot shouted followed by a "Me too!" From Emilia.

"Ok then why don't you go and wait in the living room and watch some cartoons whilst we get dressed and then we'll fix you some breakfast?" I said, barely having chance to finish my sentence before they clambered off the bed and made a dash for the living room, followed closely by the soft hum of the tv.

I glanced over at Lana, smiling softly. "Them kids are getting more and more like you every single day." A subtle pink blush tinted her cheeks as she pulled me in for a kiss.

"What cute and adorable?" She whispered against my lips, the corner of her mouth lifting into a sly smirk.

I shook my head, a playful smile dancing across my face. "No.. I was thinking more along the lines of loud and very very persistent."

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