Episode 24 - Start of Mischief

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     Students appear to my screen with smiles on their faces, getting along with the others. So peaceful, and so disgusting.

I looked to the other screens, seeing the angels and the devils split up which is one of the plans, but thanks to them we no longer need of that.

"Blu!" I called and she already appeared in front me "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Reina" she answered proudly as I pick up the black sphere from its rest, seeing it react like the beating of a heart.

"Then go and do as I say" I commanded "The more disruption there is, the closer we are to our goals" the black sphere reacted again like a heart beat, and for a while, I heard the faint sound of a beating heart. I smiled.


     Flying around the school, trying to find the perfect time to cause mischief, spotting the angels and devils in different parts of the campus. The plan is to split them all up and cause some mischief without them knowing about it.

I took a cover behind the tree and put on a disguise, and casually joining the crowd. Looking around the campus, where booths are filled with food, clothes, games and more. What should I do?

I smiled and find a perfect opportunity. Seeing a healthy old lady that was selling churros, I recognized her at the screen, Reina was watching at. She's the old lady that noticed something different from Sulfus, and instantly knew he was a devil. I could use her.

I headed to the booth that's selling churros and casually wait in line, and when it was my turn, the old lady and another woman, presumably her daughter greeted me with a smile.

"What would you like to order?" The woman ask

"I'll have your chocolate coated churros, please" I ordered and the woman smiled at me again, taking my order. She turn around and prepares it, but notice there was no churro left in the rack. The woman looked at me "I'm sorry, can you wait for five minutes?"

"Sure" I smiled and the woman cooked another fresh batch of churros.

The old lady then looked at me, seeming to find someone to talk with and approach me.

"You have such beautiful eyes" she said

"Thank you"

"But your eyes is deep color, like a burning tree that lost its touch" she looked at me straight to my eyes, and I can feel her as if looking through myself "You're a bird that became lost"

I slowly smiled and went closer to her, like I was threatening "I'm not lost, but it'll be you" I look at the old lady's eyes and call on hypnotic bite.

Her eyes turn blue and stares straight and submit to my control. I pick up a small vial from my pocket and gave it to her "Put these to your food, and whoever eats it will cause havoc" and the old lady nodded and went to her daughter, seeing her poison the food.

Whoever eats it, will be disoriented and see people like monsters, fearing them and fighting them when in truth everything was an illusion.

I walk away from the churro store and headed to where Cabiria stole some clothes and speak to the owner, hypnotizing her and giving her a perfume.

"Spray this to your clothes" I ordered and the owner did it immediately, spraying her items.

I smirked. Whoever smells that will be illusioned.

Feeling like I finished my job, I went behind the trees and patiently wait for some things to happen.

     Half an hour later I spotted a young man sitting by the benches around the campus. He holds a churro and took a bite of it, he's face seems satisfied and began to enjoy it until nothing was left.

Feeling full and happy, he stood up and fell dizzy, blinking his eyes, hand massaging his head and look up and see horror in his eyes. It's working. I smiled.

The young man then shout in fear, screaming "Go away!" wherever he looked, he screams and throw things at the people around him, and then suddenly someone grabbed him, much more buff than he is and punch him in the face. They fight each other, exchanging a ball of fist.

People around them started to look weird, screaming and running away like they've seen a nightmare. Some started to fight, grabbing their necks by the collar, throwing food, throwing fist, holding down their hair. And I see some humans looks like their disoriented, like walking in eggshells.

I see a young woman slowly taking steps like she's walking on a string, others running like some wild animals chasing them, some even cover their ears, shouting "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" I can only imagine they're hearing noises that is not pleasing, making them go crazy.

Soon, other humans notice them and tried to break the fight, stopping some people go crazy but as soon as they touched them, they went crazy as well. They started to make fights, break things apart. It was pure chaos.

I flew up and check on the booth where I sprayed a special perfume on the clothes and see the area full of humans fighting each other. Some are so aggressive they began to rip clothes off.

Others, like wild animals begin to shove things to their mouth, chewing food from food booths, eating to their fullest like there's no tomorrow.

People around continue to fight each other, throwing things and breaking things up, and even become disoriented   to the point some are fighting the wind.

I fly up higher and see the whole campus in chaos, there's so much disruption going on and the angels and devils are nowhere to be spotted.

I look around once more and see Aiden breaking things apart together with his bandmates, ruining their instruments. Banging the guitar to the floor, crashing the drum set. And I saw Kaori screaming "No! No! No!" as she picks up clothes from the booths and pull them apart. She must've thought she's holding fakes.

I saw Lindsey, wearing a black tinted eye glasses holding paintbrushes and a can of paint, spreading black paint wherever she goes like she's trying to cover something.

I laugh at her misery, until I saw Riley in his varsity uniform, at the gymnasium stage throwing balls to people like it will eat him.

All of their eyes are blue and their mind is not present. Looking at an illusion, as they continue doing disruption.


     Blu seeing her on the air, flying above the humans with no angels and devils in sight. I smiled seeing the humans in utter chaos, anywhere you look, you will see humans like wild animals fighting each other and causing damage. How does that feel?

I felt the strong beating of the black sphere on my hands, and see that the black shadow inside it is going deeper. I smiled. We must be near.

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