Episode 11 - 6th Sense

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When Miki got back she was so frustrated and sad that all we have to do is try to make her calm.

"Calm down Miki, we won't know what to do if you don't tell us what cause you this" I said

Miki looked at me and said "It was that Devil-Gas! I feel sorry for my terrestrial, and now I feel that I didn't guard her enough"

"We all make mistakes Miki" Urie said

"Yeah, and you know what I do when I'm sad? Shopping!" Sweet added which made us all laugh

"Look, Miki, we can't stop our terrestrials from doing the right choice, in the end its their choice and its our job to guide them from what good or bad choices they make"

"You're right Raf" Miki stopped crying and we all hugged each other out

The next day we went to our class, which is the Projection Class and its a joint class between Angels and Devils. I saw Sulfus entering the room and looking at me, but I didn't dare to say a word

Not now, Sulfus

I directly went in and take a sit, and Terrence and Scarlette are in front of us giving us their morning greetings

"As you all know, Projection Class is where you transform and guide your terrestrial acting as their conscience" Terrence said

"Its the little voice that's in your mind-is what the terrestrials call it" Scarlette add

"We all knew that, now what's the new thing in this projection class?" Cabale asked

Terrence and Scarlette look at each other and nod, which seemed that they agreed at one another.

"Well, that's for all of you to figure it out" Terrence said

We all spoke our mind "What?!"

"That's right Devils, this time we won't tell you what this year projection class is" Scarlette said

"And to you too Angels" Terrence add

"But what are we supposed to do?" Sweet asked "We won't figure it out without you telling us what to do"

"For once I agree" Cabiria said

"Now, Now, Devils. Let's look at this in another perspective, maybe this will be all fun" Sulfus add

"Sulfus is right" Scarlette remarked "You'll find this fun, but what fun? That I can't tell"

"And today we begin" Terrence said as he snap his fingers "Time to transform in your Eartly forms Angels and Devils"

Soon we called our mascots and transform in our Eartly forms. Cox made me wear a blue shirt, black pants and a white shoes with my hair up in a ponytail.

Terrence and Scarlette looked at us "Now go and see the life of your terrestrial in your own point of view, and see what's going on in their head"

The Angels and Devils looked at each other and as usual we give ourselves a tease to one another.

As soon as we get out of the room, Sulfus and I seperated from the others and since we have to look in our terrestrial's point of view we decided to look for Aiden and see what he does. As we were taking a walk, Sulfus called out to me

"Raf, wait!"

"What is it?" I asked

"I just want to speak to you, we haven't done that much since the beginning of this year semester"

"Well, what do you want to 'speak' about?"

Sulfus looked at me in the eyes "I just want to say sorry, you know, from what happened in the cafeteria back then"

"I thought Devils aren't supposed to apologized"

"Well, an angel thought me"

I blushed and Sulfus might've sensed that too, because he took my hand and hold it tightly. The last time we held each other caused us some trouble because of sacrilege and veto, but now that the veto is gone, we can hold each other

Just as we were holding hands, a couple walked pass by holding each others hand looking madly in love with each other.

"Don't worry Raf, after we cross the path of metamorphosis, we can show our love freely" Sulfus said reassuring me

"I know" I smiled "Let's hold hands until we reach Aiden"

"Whatever you say, my Angel"

We continued our walk and can't help but be bothered by something. Urie, Sweet, and Miki seemed to blame Cabale, Cabiria, and Gas from what happened to their terrestrial. This isn't the first time that Angels and Devils blame each other, but why would some advice go wrong?

I must be in a deep thought when I felt someone shaking me. It was Sulfus, with a worried look in his face.

"Raf, are you okay?" Sulfus worriedly ask

"Yeah, I'm fine. I must be in a deep thought"

"What got you thinking?"

"About what's happening to our friends. It just felt like something is wrong, like someone made the Angels and Devils get mad at each other"

"Are you saying, someone is plotting again?"

"I'm not sure, but my 6th sense is tingling"

"Well, after what happened from the last two years, I won't be surprise that someone is plotting again"



"Smart as ever, Raf! You might no longer be surprised, because I'm plotting against you!" She laugh tremendously, as if her plan already worked and that's something we should look forward to.

Hello guys! Happy New Year, I hope you enjoy this part of the story, I'm sure some of you are eager to read Raf's and Sulfus' story, well this is my New Year's gift to you. Thank you for all the people that added this to their reading list. Please like and comment my story, and be sure to follow me. I'll soon add another part before school starts. Thank you!!!!

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