Episode 15 - Behind the scenes

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     Watching from the screen is Blu, flying inside the Golden school, passing through walls, as she follows a group of boys who are handling what seems to be musical equipments. Aiden, Raf's and Sulfus' terrestrial is seen patting his brother's head.

"Aww, what a sweet brother, but too much sweetness would be rotten in the end" I smirk.

Soon they left the room and Blu just waiting for the right time to do what she was told. I took a sit, and grabbed the black sphere beside me, gently touching it. Soon, I will have my revenge and all will be mine.


     Silently, I wait until I hear their footsteps going softer and softer, I wait for a few moments more, as I prepare to do my task. As I sense that its the right time, I let go of my Shadow Bite. My body that was turned into a mist, slowly having shaped.

I called my power "Panther bite" and my hands sharpens like a claw. I positioned myself in front of the equipments, as I put my right arm in the air, preparing to break everything when I head the clacking noise of keys opening the door.

I backed away and called my wings, and flew up. Who is it?

The door opens, and it was Luca.

"Now, where did I put my jacket?"

Looking around, he found his jacket on top of a table, contented, he wears it and prepares to go outside the room, until I thought of something nice. As Luca was opening the door, I showed myself in front of him and closed the door shut.

In his surprise, he falls down

"Wha-Who are you?! Get away from me!"

He crawls away from me as I walk towards him "Don't worry, I'm a friend"

He crawls away again, but he reaches the wall, and in fear he can't move. He tried to call for help, but I said "Hypnotic bite"

In an instance, his eyes turns blue and just staring straight.

"Stand up!" I commanded which he follows "I order you to break everything in here, and once your done, go back like nothing happened"

He nods, and just like ordered, he breaks anything, starting from the guitar, crashing it to the floor, then stomping it. He did it to the others too. And once he was finished, he stood still and went outside of the door, wearing his jacket that he was looking for, and walked like nothing happened.

     The next day, I saw Raf and Sulfus flying towards their terrestrial. I followed them, and looked at the window. Inside, they were surprise that there was a commotion going on, and that every single instrument was damaged.

"I did not do this!" Luca protested. Willingly, no, but you did break everything as I ordered.

The others claimed that Luca did it, as he was the only one left to close the door, but he still protested that he didn't do it. He looks for his brother's aid, but in return he was brushed off, and everyone left the room.

I then looked at Raf and Sulfus fighting and overhear their conversation

"This was never supposed to happen" Raf pointed to the equipments that was broken

"I know, but Aiden is my terrestrial too. I won't let this happen to him"

"How should I trust your words, when you're a devil?"

"What?! Wait, Raf!"

In anger, Raf flew away from Sulfus, and I immediately hide from the bushes. Sulfus, tries to catch up with Raf, as I looked to Sulfus, I felt anger once again. I remembered once again how he uses me to escape, breaking my heart. He gains my trust, but I was used. Whatever you did to me, I will do to you!

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