Episode 12 - Sensitive

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Raf's words came into my mind, like someone might be plotting something. I wouldn't be surprised if there was someone. We've had two years of someone plotting against us, and it always invovled me and Raf.

I must be in my guard.

Basilisk, my mascot came out from its hiding out spot and slide its way to my arm and slither around.

"I know Basilisk. I'll be careful this time, I don't want to be held prison or get you in danger, especially Raf"

Basilisk hiss as he reassures me that no matter what happens he'll be there.

All of a sudden, my spy bell is ringing "Aiden must be having thoughts right now. I must go"


I was playing with my bandmates on our new song called "Sensitive" and things we're going pretty smoothly, until I notice an out-of-tune coming from Chad's playing.

"Yo, Chris!" I called "Getting hard on the bass"

Mason stopped playing his drums "What happened?!"

Chris struck a beat "There's nothing wrong with how I play my bass"

I shook my head "Take a strum"

Chris shakes his head, but does it anyways. He took a strum from his bass guitar and an out of tune sound came in. Chris' eyes went wide and must've notice I was right.

"Still think nothing's wrong with your bass?"

Chris laughed "Yeah, Yeah. I'll fix it"

I smirked and nod at him. I grab my guitar and sit down "Why don't we take 5?"

"FINALLY!" Mason yelled "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! I'm gonna grab us some food"

Mason opened the door to the inside of my house and suddenly my brother, Luca pops in, which Mason just ignored and continued to go inside.

"Hey Aiden, you guys played great!" Luca said as he waves his hand

Luca was wearing a plain white shirt topped with a denim jacket, and black jeans.

"Thanks Luca!" I said as he got closer to me and do our brother "handshake"

Luca is 2 years younger than me, he'll soon be joining Golden School with me in Spring.

"So have you thought of what I said" Luca asked

"Thought of what?" Chris asked as he tunes out his bass

Oh no! I forgot to tell Mason and Chris that Luca plans to join the band

"The thought of me joining your band, Chris" Luca blurted out

"WHAT?!" Chris yanked "You joining the band?" At this moment, Chris looked at me and give me the "whatareyouthinking?!" look, but I just ignored him.

"The guys and I are talking about it, don't worry Luca" I assured my brother.  I love my brother, he is so special to me.

"Great, because I can't wait to sing with you guys at the golden music festival you're going to play for"

I felt Chris' gaze piercing through me, but just in time, Mason comes in with a handful of chips and soda.

"Hey, Aiden. Hope your Mom won't mind" as he shows how much food he has in his arms.

"Don't worry about it" I said

"You guys won't mind me practicing with you right?" Luca asked

Chris this time shows he's really botherd "Have you played any instrument, Luca?" He asked

"Yeah, I can play the guitar too"

"Well, let's see if you do" Chris said and give me another look.

After a few moments of the band practicing with Luca, he went inside to bring us back some water.

"Well, that went well" Mason said

"Aiden, you can't possibly think that Luca will join our band. Sorry to say this to you, I know you love your brother, but he sounds so horrible!"
Chris added

"Chris' right Aiden, the golden music festival is about 'good' music not 'bad' music" Mason said

"Well, with enough practice he can do just fine" I defended

"Aiden, the music festival is in 3 days! There's not enough time. And you can't just decide that Luca will just join" Chris said angrily

I didn't said a word. I couldn't, I just sighed and look at my guitar.

"Well, I had enough of this" Mason said as he packs his bag

"Me too" Chris said as he packs his bass guitar and joins Mason "Don't let the band go down, Aiden"

Right in time, Luca appeared with a tray full of glasses with water "Hey, guys. Here's your water"

Mason and Chris just passed him and seems not to care "What's wrong with them, Aiden?" Luca asked

"Hmm, they're just tired, they wanna go back early"

"I see" he sighs

"Oh there you are"

We looked up and saw Mom by the door "I saw the guys outside, they seem, I don't know, out?"

"Out?" Luca looks at me but I avoid him "Well, anyway Mom. I played with Aiden's band today, and I think I can join them"

"Oh really?" Mom raised her right eyebrow, and looks at me "That's great Luca, now won't you mind fixing us a snack? All the chips must've ran out"

Luca nods and went inside. I turned around putting the instruments in the right place.

"Wow Aiden, I'm so proud of you. Letting Luca join your band." Mom said

I look at her and said "Well, about that" I sat down beside her looking down at the floor "I think Luca isn't ready yet"

"Or it's the band thinks that Luca isn't ready yet"

"Mom, Luca played bad earlier, at this moment he can't join us at the music festival. I don't want to embarrassed him"

"Well, you just have to tell him the truth"

"But how?!" I ask

"That 'Luca isn't ready yet' that's what you can say"

"That's what I'm afraid of" I said

"Well, it's better saying that than making your brother feel horrible" Mom assured me and kisses my head "Talk to him" Mom stand up and went inside.

I put my hands on my head and think. If I let Luca join the band, the guys won't forgive me, but if I did, the guys will be mad at me and worse I'll put Luca in an embarassing situation. What should I do?!


Telling the truth is better than lying" I said

"Hmph! As if angels don't lie" Sulfus blurted out  and I look at him

"Is that a challenge?"


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