Episode 13 - Truth or Dare

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The challenged room. Outside the room, it says Truth or Dare, and both Sulfus and I wonder what it means.

"Truth or Dare?" I wonder

"Doesn't this seems like its easy?" Sulfus said

"I don't know, the challenged room always brings unexpected things"

"You're right. We better be careful then" Sulfus looks at me in the eyes and I nod. We stepped inside the challenged room, and at the center, an instruction was placed.

Choose truth and seek the answer.
Choose dare and face the consequences.

Sulfus and I looked at each other and wonder if its just the usual 'truth or dare' but I decided to go with TRUTH, and Sulfus with Dare. Once we come up with our minds, smoke begins to fill the room.

"Raf! Raf!" Sulfus called

"Sulfus!" I shout, but the smoke continues to fill the room and I couldn't breathe, and a dark oblivion enters my mind.


Raf! Raf!" I shout to call her name "Where are you?! Raf!" I continue to call her, but no one answered

Basilisk came out of its hiding spot and slither around my arm

"Thanks Basilisk, I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here" I took a look around and notice that I was in a unfamiliar place. I was standing in the middle of four huge rocks surrounding me, and the sky was neither, winter, summer, fall, or spring.

"Where are we? I hope Raf is alright"


I was coming to wake up, thanks to buzzing sound of Cox.

"Cox?" I mumbled "Where are we?"

There was full of mist. I can't figure out what is going on and where I am.

"Hello? Hello?!" I stood up and begin screaming to know if there's someone or something in here. Then all of a sudden, my 6th sense send shiver to my body. I heard sounds, whispers, calling out my name "Who are you? Where are you? Show yourself!"

I looked behind me and saw a figure. It was of a lady, dressed in a long white dress.

"Who are you?" I ask

"You already know" the lady answered back, then all of a sudden mist started to fill up once again. The lady faded.

"Wait!" I shout, and ran to it, but it just seems like a never ending run. I tried to fly, but my wings didn't work. Then I heard the sound of the thunder and lightning, like it plans to strike me. I hurriedly ran away, but the sound keeps getting stronger and closing in, I ran away as best as I could and then I felt free. I'm falling! I was falling from the sky and I noticed that my wings disappeared.

"Cox! Cox!" I called, but it seems like Cox also disappeared. I got scared and try to call for help, but my voice can't reach out, and then I realized I landed on the floor. Its painful, and send stings all over my body. I tried to stand up and see myself in a room. An attic. Why is it so familiar? At the center of the room there's a rocking chair, and a white cloth covering boxes as dust fall all over the place. Then I hear a sound, from a music box. I walked into it and saw a couple, dancing. They were happy, but things start to change. I was in the place from the start. It was full of mist and I saw screens blacking out. Then I heard someone.

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