19[Joshua Callaway]

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Friday finally approached and I was slowly starting to realize that the idea of giving my number to Cotton and not having his in return was a dumb one. How did I expect to know if he would actually show up? When and where would we meet?

If he decided not to initiate any communication, then I guess that would mean he wasn't interested which would be opposite to what I felt since I was so, so interested. The doubt was weighing heavily on my nerves and my mood.

I wasn't a nervous person. I was confident, I was calm but right now, I was out of my mind terrified. It was nerve wrecking, the fear and the nerves. I was going crazy. The silence felt like it was too much, it made doubts consume my mind and I hated the feeling. I hated not being in control. I hated being at the mercy of others and right now, I was at Cotton's mercy.

The morning was a nerve-wracking one. My stomach was crumped in a tight knot, my heart was a constant thump of irregularities and I was simply plain nervous. If not terrified.

The shrill of my ring tone was a thundering and frightening welcome and I just rushed to where my phone sat the second it rang, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

It's Cotton. I told myself. Who else would it be?

The voice that graced my ears was a familiar one but it lacked the sleekness that only Cotton's had, it lacked the shyness and light seductiveness in it. It wasn't a voice I longed to hear. This one was deep and abrupt and cheery. It was my best friend's. It was Zach's.

"Josh, my man" His loud voice greeted cheerily and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"What?" I spat out irritatingly. He didn't deserve it but he was my best friend. He'd heard and seen me at way worse than this.

"What's with the attitude?" He fired back and this time I did roll my eyes.

"Just, -- Im going on a date today and I kind of don't even have my dates number so I dont even know if they'll come." I admitted in frustration, my tense left hand running through the hair that had taken me a lifetime to perfect.

"A date?" Zach choked out. I could hear the surprise in his voice. It took him a second before he was firing questions at me repeatedly.

"Yes, Zach. I have a date." I answered since they were all about how he couldnt believe I was going on a date. Hell, even I didnt believe I was going on a date.

"Who's she? Zach asked, oblivious and I felt a smile creep on my face for the first time today. It was amusing really, even to myself. My date was a guy. He was a stripper.


"Doesnt matter. I just, --what if they stand me up?" I questioned, checking the time and realizing our reservation was forty minutes away meaning I should hang up and leave.

"You've been out the game for way too long. Welcome to the awkward and nerve-wracking stage. If she stands you up, then I'm inviting you to the club. It was what I was calling about actually, you should come. Just once, if it's not your thing then I'll stop harassing you with these calls" Zach explained.

Zach Dallas owned a private and expensive club in the heart of Manhattan, it was an exclusive fetish club and it was kind of a big deal. Since I was busy raising my daughter and working, I hadn't found neither the time nor the will to actually visit. Even after his constant calls but this time the idea wasn't repulsive but the problem was that when that thought crossed my mind, I thought about going there with Cotton but still.

"Sure. No promises, though"

"It's about time. I'll see you tonight" Zach rushed out and before I could even fathom the words to remind him I might not show up, he'd hung up. I sighed to myself.

The next ten minutes were of me panicking over whether I was being paranoid. If I was dressing okay or if Cotton would bother even showing up at all.


How right had I been.

He was an hour late.

I rubbed my freezing hands down my blazing face. The nerves were long gone now replaced by a sinking feeling in my chest and I realized it was pain. I was hurt and disappointed.

The rest of my afternoon was spent with a wine glass being refilled every couple minutes as my head snapped to the doors each second they opened wide to reveal an unfamiliar face that left a hollow feeling in my chest that I tried to fill with the red liquid in my tall glass.

When the orange hue of sunset turned into greys and black, I decided to visit Zach's club. Maybe it would help with the foreign feelings assaulting me at once.


The blur of moving colors painted my skin a sleeker tone, my eyes were lost in the swarm of naked bodies and the smell of sweat and sex in the air. It was just, -- I couldn't find the right words to explain what this place was. Zach had told me some things but most of the information I had about this place was from other people. No one had actually even described half of what this place was. Men and women in leather, skin on skin, lips on lips. It was like walking in on a porn set, a very expensive porn set.

The slap on my back from Zach snapped me from my wandering thoughts and I turned to stare at the man I had grown up with. He was staring back at me smugly like my wide lost eyes were amusing his perverted little heart.

"What is even this place?" I voiced my thoughts and Zachs smile widened further.

"Joshua, my friend. This is another one of my clubs. Heavenly sin." He exclaimed, his arms open wide as he presented the place and I still couldn't get my eyes away from a man that had a petit woman crawl towards him while they both wore practically no clothes on their bodies.

"You have more? Since when?" I asked instead, peeling my eyes away from the sight of people I felt like I wasn't supposed to be witnessing what they were doing out here, for everyone to see.

"You were so busy with your life after Raquel so you never knew. I have three actually. A strip club, a regular club and then this."

"What is this even called?"

"It's a BDSM club but we also have a dungeon. It's more intense than this" He added absentmindedly staring somewhere by the entrance where we'd just walked through but I was busy wondering how in the world there was something more intense than this.

"How did you even think, - " I asked, my sentence trailing off as I turned back to where my friend stood but it seemed like he wasn't hearing me since he was busy staring at the entrance still and so did a lot of people so I directed my eager eyes to what was busy stealing all the spotlight and once my blurry eyes stilled on the figure right in front of us, I froze.

"Damn!" I heard my best friend curse, eyes stuck on the two bodies attracting each and every pair of hungry eyes in this famished place.


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