15[Joshua Callaway]

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A/N: Sorry once again for a boring chapter but I promise you that the following will be okay. Love ya.


I smell it first, the disgusting mixed smell of last night's remnants harsh on my skin, the sweat, the alcohol but mostly the vomit and I felt my own stomach churn violently.

My eyes shot open to the familiar room and I quickly detached myself from the straggling hold that was attached to my body. I quickly went into my bathroom and had a much needed scrub and a really hot shower until I felt brand new, free of the disgusting smell of vomit.

When I was through with my bathroom business I walked back into my room and into the walk-in closet and got into fresh boxers and some comfortable sweats then I walked back into my bedroom and stood there staring at the mess in my bed.

Cotton slept soundlessly, his naked body wrapped in my sheets and his hair sprayed all over my pillow and if I didn't know better I would call him an angel as his long lashes fluttered, kissing his reddened cheeks unconsciously. He was seriously the prettiest man I had ever seen and I was already in deep as I stood there drinking him in, not even the slightest bit mad that he had puked on my clothes and in my car.

I was consumed in the creature that lay in my bed that I ignored the little footsteps that run down the hallway before bursting through my unlocked bedroom door unannounced.

"Daddy! Good morni-who is that?" Hope halted once her eyes fell on a groaning Cotton and I just stood there trying to come up with something.

"Come here sweetheart. Daddy needs his morning hug" I said while grinning and it worked because Hope came over running and hugged my waist tightly and I hugged her back before kissing her temple.

"Who is that in your bed?" She asked once again.

"That...is Dad's friend and you just woke him up, now go to the kitchen and help Mellisa make us a nice breakfast. We'll be down in a minute" I whispered even though it seemed like Cotton was already awake.

"Okay" Hope whispered back before running out of the room and this time I locked the door behind her.

"Hi" I called out to a not-so-good-looking Cotton.

"I'm going to be sick" He grumbled, looking so out of it and I could feel for him. He looked like he was extremely hangover.

"Here" I gave him some aspirin and a glass of water but he just froze for a second staring at me before looking around the room and I saw the panic in his eyes as he looked back at me.

"Oh My God Joshua. I'm so sorry for last night. I'm such at mess. God, I'm so dumb. Please, please forgive me. I just had-"

"Hey, Calm down. Drink this, Take a good shower and we'll talk all about last night over breakfast and I'm not mad. Now, I'm going to find something for you to wear. Okay?" I explained to a Cotton that still looked like there's so many places he'd rather be than here.

"Okay Cotton?" I pressed again and he nodded silently before taking the pills and pushing them down with the water.

"Now go shower. Toothbrush in the first drawer and everything else is free to use" I added and he nodded before leaving the bed and walking to the bathroom and I couldn't help staring after him.

Jeez, it was like my hormones were activated after being shut down for a millennium.

"Calm down Josh" I whispered to myself.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was my buddy Cole who was always on my ass for not enjoying myself and getting laid. He was a CIA analyst or something and he was the same guy that had given me Cotton's address. I wondered how he would react if he knew I had slept with a stripper that also happened to be a guy. I didn't pick up though and went back to the closet to find some sweats for Cotton. I cleared my closet every two months so there wasn't anything remotely close to his size so I just got the nearest t-shirt and sweatpants that came in sight and a pair of briefs I'd never worn. When I walked back into the room Cotton was still in the shower so I decided to go downstairs and explain myself to Mellisa who probably wasn't happy and beg Hope to keep her mouth in check.

"Why did Hope say there's a naked man lying in your bed?" Mellisa asked the moment she had me step into the kitchen. She was busy preparing a feast but she still took a second to glare at me.

"He's just a guy I'm seeing" I answered seriously and and she whipped her head to me, now looking actually mad.

"What do you mean you're seeing him? Did you two have sex?" She asked looking at me incredulously.

"Yes, I am. And yes, we did" I answered the woman who looked ready to strangle me.

"You, a- a man. What are you even saying? You like men now?" Mellisa asked confusedly and it was now starting to get on my nerve.

"Do you hate that I am seeing a guy?" I asked. I was slightly irritated but I was still afraid. Mellisa was like a mother to me.

"You know that's not the case. I just can't believe you brought a stranger into your house and into your bed. Do you love him? Did you even consider how confused Hope would be?"

"Fuck" I cursed. Mellisa had a point.

"Look, he's probably done by now. Let's just have breakfast and we'll talk about this later"


"Please" I said lastly and went to Hope's room.

It was safe to say that the talk went horribly and Mellisa seemed madder by the time I went back to my room to get Cotton. I hoped the breakfast would be bearable. Atleast Hope promised to keep her questions to herself.

The moment I stepped foot on the hallway upstairs, I was bombarded by questions from a Cotton who looked utterly amazed.

"You live here? He asked looking around incredulously and I nodded, smiling lightly at the amazement in his eyes. He looked like a kid that had visited the Disney world for the first time.

"This is your house?" He asked once again and I chuckled lightly.

"Yes Cotton. This is my house now let's go put something in your belly. I'm pretty sure there is nothing there"

I guess my choice of words was wrong because he looked away guiltily and I interrupted him before he apologized once again.

"If you apologize one more time Cotton, I'll seriously sew your mouth shut" I said jokingly and I witnessed his lips lifting in a smile. God, he was a sight for sore eyes. "Let's go now and be ready to meet my family"

"Family?" He asked incredulously.

"Relax, it's just my daughter and her Grandmother"

"Your mom?" He asked looking more freaked out than the last time.

"Jeez no, her mom's mom but she's like my mother and calm down. It's okay" I smiled, putting my hand on his lower back and rubbing soothingly which worked seeing as he breathed in deeply and descended the stairs with me in tow.

To say that the breakfast wasn't okay would be an underestimation. It was the most awkward breakfast ever, Cotton looked like he could dissappear any second, Hope looked like she could burst any second which was definitely true, my girl loved talking and then there was Mellisa who was openly glaring at me and I was busy trying to ignore her looks.

The moment Mellisa cleared our plates, Cotton was already upstairs and I followed him after sending some serious pleading eyes to Mellisa and she nodded after sighing heavily. I followed Cotton who I found lying like a starfish on my bed, his t-shirt stuck just upper of his belly button and I had to gulp down the urges that were creeping up in me.

"Your wife's mother wants to kill me" Cotton cried the minute his eyes caught mine and I sighed.

Today wasn't going how I expected.

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