13 [Joshua Callaway]

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"And then Carlos said that his mother was sick but Mrs. Smith was still mad and his other mother was saying sorry and-"

I zoned out as Hope rambled on and on about her friend who apparently had come to school late because his mother had been sick and the story had been going on for ten minutes and my brain decided to escape. Back to that messy apartment, back to those messy sheets, back to that milky skin, to back to a warm body. Back to Cotton.

It was already six in the evening and I had been in the middle of helping my child finish her homework before she slipped into chatty mode and now I was busy thinking about Cotton.

"Baby, why don't we finish homework and you can help Mellisa make diner. Okay?"

"Okay" Hope said and we proceeded with her homework which didn't effectively distract me from all the bells that were ringing in my mind.

I was worried, it'd been a few days and I hadn't heard from Sacha who was my intel on Cotton's whereabouts and he was in the dark himself. Sacha hadn't heard anything from Cotton, not even a text and I was worried but I still couldn't go knocking on his door whenever I liked just because I had taken advantage of him in a weak moment.

My thoughts were then interrupted by my thrilling ring tone which was a phone call and I was thrilled to realize it was Sacha.

"Sacha, what's going on?" I asked into the phone, trying my best to mask the anxiety in my voice.

"Hy! Cotton just called and he sounded fine. He also told me he'll be coming back to school next week so yay." Sacha said cheerful but I still wasn't satisfied with it. I wanted to know more, I wanted to actually see that he was fine. I wanted to see him so badly.

I couldn't help myself by anymore, he was everywhere. In my head, in my dreams, nightmares, fears and most importantly; my heart. It was fucking ridiculous to think that. But I fucking liked and cared about him so much, so it was safe to say that Cotton had found a way to strip down my walls and wrap himself around my heart.

It didn't take long before I couldn't take it anymore and I only had two options, go knocking at his door which was definitely inappropriate or go to the club and hope he was there and the latter made more sense so I said goodbye, kissed my daughter and left home to go find the guy that kept driving me to insanity.

When I pulled up by the parking lot, I realized today was different from my first time here. There was a really long line of people awaiting to enter the club; all of them wearing revealing clothes even though it was still freezing outside and chatting loudly. I walked out of the car and into the familiar looking entrance but this time a really buff man held me back.

"Wait in line like everybody else" His gruff voice grumbled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry but is Cotton inside?" I asked and watched as the man frowned confusedly.

"Listen, I can't know everyone that comes into the club-"

"No. He's one of the dancers" I interrupted and clearly saw recognition on the guy's face.

"You mean Ritah then. Look man, I don't know who performs and who doesn't so go on the line and see for yourself once you get in" The bouncer grumbled irritated and I was about to actually go at the end of the line but my eyes met with the familiar man from last time.

"Jeff. Let that man in" The man addressed the bouncer that I now knew as Jeff and I proceeded to walk into the entrance.

The familiar man from last time walked in front of me and I was busy taking in the place since last time I hadn't actually looked around with all the alcohol I had been busy consuming but that was until I looked across the club and locked eyes with Cotton up on that stage and I felt my heart stop for a second. He looked splendid and terryfing at the same time that it was magical.

Up there, with that pink jumpsuit that hugged his skin tight, with his red bright hair and pink lips, up there in his tall heels and his moist eyes. He looked like a God to be praised. A God on the verge of falling apart.

He stood there frozen staring back at me and I witnessed as he swayed on his feet before he stumbled off the stage.

I didn't take a second before I was after him with the same man from before behind me. I found Cotton heaving while he clutched his chest and as soon as I was in his line of sight he lifted his face and a big smile arched across his beautiful face.

I ran over to his side and he just let me hold him as he stared at me.

"You are really here" He said with a big grin and dilated eyes, his voice an octave higher from silence.

"How much drinks did you have,  Cotton?" I asked instead while frowning softly.

"A lot" He whispered and he sounded uncomfortable and I guessed it was the nausea because he looked like he had drank a lot.

"I uh, I don't feel-" He never got to finish the words because right there and then, he emptied a whole lot of puke on both of us and then burfed before smiling again and I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Let me help you with him, you can get yourself cleaned up" The man that I had forgetting was with us said and made a move to take Cotton from my arms but I tightened my hold on him.

"I can to do it just fine" I muttered through gritted teeth and I heard the man sigh.

"I'm his boss man. I just want to clean him up and change his clothes. Trust me, I've done it way more times than you can imagine so let me and you can go take care of yourself" The man said and I just nodded dumbly since all he said made sense. I watched him as he took my Cotton to his office.

I took my own time to clean my shoes and by the time I left the bathroom, Cotton was by the back door with the man who had his arm wrapped around him and it didn't sit well with me so I walked over and took Cotton in mine.

"Thanks for your help" I said to the man that gazed at Cotton sadly.

"Take care of him and cherish him. He deserves it" The man said before turning to leave.

"I didn't catch your name" I said.

"Alex" He said without turning and then walked away before disappearing in the crowd and I stayed there and struggled with guiding a discordinated Cotton to my car.

I sighed when I finally sat in the car with my aching shoulders and arms but then I heard heaving before I turned too late to find Cotton hurling the remains of his stomach on my dashboard.


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