7[Joshua Callaway]

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Morning came eventually and I reminisced as I remebered what had happened the night before. My body was sore in all places, my head pounding as my hangover kicked in but nonetheless I had that tingly feeling in my abdomen as I recalled one of the best sexual experiences I had ever had and what surprised me even more was the fact that I seemed not to give much thought to having had had sex with a boy but rather my worries were that he was a stripper.

As I rolled on my bed and sleeping on my back facing ceiling, I couldn't help but recall the face of Ritah or Cotton whatever his real name was.

I couldn't get the image of his moving tiny waist out my mind, I could still hear those sexy moans of his echoing in my head, I could feel the ghost of his lips on my neck, I could still feel his teeth scratching gently on my vein, I could remember being deep in his warmth.

His milky neck, his curved hips, his pale legs and God-his lips. I could remember being so close to the extremely plump pink kissable lips and I almost regretted not snatching the flesh with my own, sucking, biting and nibbling on it, just thinking about it had my body warming up and my arousal visible as the blanket hid little of the bulge.

My heart was racing by now, my palm sweaty and twitching as I fought with body to keep it intact. I couldn't remember the last time I had masturbated or had sex. After the death of Raquel, I had wiped every single trace of romance and desire away and trapped that side of me somewhere far deep in my fears but this guy I wasn't even sure the name of had awoken that beast in me with full force, my body was craving the pleasure of thrusting into a helpless body, it was craving warmth and comfort from a beloved one and funnily all those thoughts included Cotton and I felt like laughing at my imaginations. They lacked class.

As I willed my body to cool down, I heard a commotion at the other side of my bedroom door and I was sure it was Hope, my daughter.

"Daddy" She called shyly, her cute voice quiet and soothing and I could already predict her next words.

"I made you breakfast. Wake up" She admitted cheerfully and I could feel a smile stretching painfully on my lips.

Hope was my beautiful cute daughter. She was shy, quiet and reserved for her age but she was such a sweetheart. Everytime I bought her something, she would always repay me with the cutest things, be it be a drawing, a letter, one of her toys or making me breakfast being her favorite gift, it always warmed my heart.

She would wake herself up earlier than usual and get herself ready then she would bombard our chef with a million of ideas, helping him with the smallest of tasks then I would end up consuming the amount of sugar I would consume in a month in one day instead.

"Morning Honey, Let me get ready quickly. I will be done in a minute" I said cheerfully and even though my head was aching so did my dry throat, the cheerfulness in my tone wasn't fake. Hope always made me the most proud and happiest dad in the world.

"One. Only one minute daddy. BYE!" She exlaimed giggling slightly and then she was off her feet making loud noises as she ran and I was afraid she was going to trip on the stairs.

"No running" I yelled and winched as my headache intensified but atleast her quick steps slowed down until no noise was heard and I sighed in relief.

Yes. I was so protective.

After consuming another unhealthy amount of sweets and sugar, I drove to work and said goodbye to Hope as she went in a separate car since we went different ways but I trusted her driver so it was never a bother and then with a massive headache, high sugar consumption and a seemingly aroused body, I drove to the hospital an hour late.

Perks of being the boss.

Once I stepped foot in the building my assistant was running over to me with a perplexed look on her face and I could read it easily. It was the 'Are you crazy? How could you forget...?' face and that always ended up horribly most of the time.

"Are you crazy?" She whisper-yelled once she was in ear shot and I resisted the smirk of triumph at my accurate prediction but I held it in to make sure she wasn't more pissed than she already was.

"How could you forget your trip today?" She hissed in my face making walking at her pace unbearable. Jesus, she was wearing fucking heels.

"Slow down, What trip? I don't have a trip on my schedule" I argued since I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Really Mr. Influencer? You don't remember having an interview with 'NewYork Medicine Local College' huh? It starts in thirty minutes by the way" Abby reminded me and I groaned out loud. Of course I had to have that today of all days. The day when I couldn't get a teenage male whore out of my mind, the day with a dump weather and mostly the day I had a massive once in a lifetime hangover. Great, just fucking great.


"Welcome Mr. Callaway. It's a big pleasure to finally meet you and we are so honoured to have you here" A older man probably in his late fifties was the first to shake my hand being the one talking and the other men present just nodded or muttered small sentences in greetings and appreciation as I shook hands with them.

"It's my pleasure too" I answered in monotone, my voice dry, deep, authoritive and harsh just as I liked to portrait to the outside world. I liked to be portraited as a dominant, powerful and serious man. I just liked it that way.

"Can we?" I asked no one in particular but they all rushed to tell me to follow them to the first class I would be giving a motivation speech to which luckily my assistant had prepared and I was really hoping I remebered all of the words.

We made our up a couple of stairs then we were walking to a door that led to a classroom where we also met two students that were almost an hour late. Jesus, kids these days.

As the professor quickly comfroted the two boys, I lowered my eyes in curiosity and my breath hitched as I was met with a set of green jewel eyes.


His form was obvious, even though his feminine body was covered by baggy sweats, his head covered with a big hoddie but those eyes, I could recognize them anytime, anywhere and there was no mistaking it. Cotton was here. He was right in front of me.

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