9[Joshua Callaway]

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When I entered the same lecture room as Cotton I knew things were going to be harder than I thought they would be since the gir-guy was sex on legs, he was the epitome of erotic and I knew keeping my eyes away from him was going to be the hardest the thing I would be doing that day contrally to how I thought remembering the speech my assistant wrote would be the hardest task that day.

Now, not running after him as he run out of the room looking so lost and terrified was the hardest task ever and I even had to stop talking for a minute to collect myself and not worry about a stripper/prostitute I had hooked up with the night before.

'Wow, my standards were pretty high these days' Note the sarcasm.

My eyes darted to the door he left out of and I prayed to God so that he would come walking back in with that sinful walk of his that turned heads of different body parts.

I tried my best to hurry through the words of my speech which seemed endless now that I was worrying about a complete stranger but then my work phone went off and even though it was rude to pick a phone call in front of people, this was a different and I picked up right away ignoring the whispers that evaporated from my audience.

My body grew tense as I heard what one of the nurses had to say then I hang up on her midsentense.

I explained to the crowd about how the work phone was for medical emergencies or such and excused myself and bid my farewell then I was rushing out of the building and into my car and driving like a mad man on the way to the hospital which now felt even farther away than normal.

My right leg kept bouncing a sign of impatience as I drove as fast as New York traffic allowed me to then a thought crossed my mind and I fumbled with my phone as I dialed the nurse that had called me before.

"Mr. Call-" She started but I cut her off before said anything else.

"Christopher has a younger brother right? What is his full name?" I asked and my leg bounced faster as I heard her fumble with some documents.

"Uhmm...Yes sir. He is a medical student and-"

"His full name" I cut her off again through clenched teeth.

"Oh, A Cotton? Cotton Bryce it says sir"

"Sir?" The lady called but my body had frozen up and my brain definitely stopped working for a second.

"Sir?" The nursed called again and I hang up as I snapped out of my reverie.

If I was driving fast then I was driving insanily now.

The moment my car pulled up in front of the building I was already out and threw my cars keys to the valet who caught them effortlessly and then I was surrounded by a couple of nurses who kept talking at the same time and they all didn't seem to be helping so I dismissed all of them and stayed with the one I was talking to earlier.

"His in ICU right now and it seems like his brain couldn't keep up so we think it's brain damage and we all know how that will end" She said and I could actually see and feel genuine sadness from her.

"Anything else?" I asked as I put on my coat and some gloves.

"The guy you asked me about, the younger brother is here and he can't sign taking him off life support" She said and after hearing the last words I made my way down the hall but the said nurse held my elbow and I turned to stare at her.

"He's in shock so please be careful. He's already gone through enough as it is" She muttered sadly but instead of asking her about what she meant by that. I just made my way down the hallway and hoped Cotton was cool enough to listen to what I had to say.

Christopher Bryce was a patient that everyone in this hospital knew. He was a 32 old man that was diagnosed Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease(CJD) with the past year. My hospital was a private one which meant people were supposed to pay 100% of their fees so that meant no insurances or so and Christopher was one in the unlucky people that couldn't afford their assigned surgeries.

We weren't the best humans out there but we also weren't the worst. We helped those we could and sometimes we just came across as assholes but as much as I hated to see people die because it was something no one ever got used to. I still had scheduled surgeries since I was the main surgeon.

If you paid your fee then my assistant put you on my schedule and Christopher was an orphan who had a younger brother and as horrible as it sounded, it also meant no surgery for him but still, the guy had spent almost a year, being taken for and cared for by our nurses and doctors for free. Was it that animalistic for us to not perform surgery on every person that didn't have the money?

Still, why did I feel like running away? Why did I feel like I wouldn't be able to face Cotton? Why did I feel so fucking guilty?

"Noooo. I have your money. I can pay now. You can't make me kill my own brother. I can't Sacha. Tell them. Please tell them. I can't lose Chris. He's the only one I have left"

I heard Cotton's sobbing before I even rounded the corner and I could feel my heart clench tightly in shame and guilt.

What was I supposed to say to him? I had just slept with him the night before. I had probably paid for Christopher's surgery without even knowing it. What was I going to even do? Christopher's brain was too damaged to undergo such a heavy surgery. He could either die through the process and if he even survived which would be 0.01% out of luck then he could end up being paralyzed for the rest of his life.

I took in a deep breath and put on my professional face on but once Cotton's eyes fell on me. I knew I was done for. I couldn't stand the dissapointment and heart broken look on his face.

I just couldn't.

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