He huffs out a chuckle as he reaches out for you, but you playfully swerve his advances, "Oh come on, baby! I can be quick!" He yells as he watches you walk out of his room, turning your head to give him a mega-watt smile that melts every bit of ice around his heart.

While you're off getting dressed, Jungkook grabs his phone as he tries to find a restaurant close by the venue that will be good enough for you. Somewhere special, but somewhere that he could actually afford that serves decent food.

Ever since the party, he and Jimin were still trying to get their money back right. All year they saved for that party so unfortunately his stash of cash was depleted. He knew he could afford a nice place, but one thing Jungkook always gave himself props for was being good with money. There was always a fine line between splurging and being reckless and he was well versed in dancing on that line if he wanted to.

Hey JK?
I haven't talked to
you in a while now.

Staring at the text message hovering at the top of his screen, he takes a second to try to remember who Sophie was. When nothing rang a bell, he decided to just send a quick text. Not that he gave a shit about her, but he was working on trying to not be such an asshole and he may as well cut off any ties with her in a nice way before he makes things official tonight.

Sorry Sophie.
I'm with someone now.

Oh ok.
Text or call me when
she leaves and I can
come over later ;)

He groans at the obvious misunderstanding and rolls his eyes as he starts typing out another text.

No, I'm dating
I'm taken.
Off the market.
Spoken for.

That's cute.
Call me.

"Fuck it." He smacks his lips as he goes to her contact ID, "I'm sick of these girls acting like I'm some kind of heartless piece of meat...even if I was."

Pressing Block Contact, he goes back to the text message and deletes it before continuing his original plan of trying to find somewhere to take you for dinner without giving that girl a second thought.

Stumbling upon a chic Italian restaurant, he smiles and adds his name to a reservation for five thirty, figuring that would give you two plenty of time to eat and remembering how lasagna was the first food you ever made him. That little action meant more to him than I think you even expected it to at the time.

Hey sexy!
Long time no
see. Busy?

He frowns at the text message and hovers over reply, but ultimately decides to just block the number right away given how the last short conversation went with whatever-the-fuck her name was.

Wanna come over
for some fun?

"What the hell is in the water today?!" He whisper-shouts as he goes to also block her number.

Remembering how these girls kind of got used to his quote-unquote schedule, he figures they're probably just hitting him up as per the normal routine. Clearly, he had forgotten about them all together.

Busy tomorrow?

"Okay that's it." He goes straight to his contacts and begins to block and delete each hookup he's ever had with a small laugh at himself regarding how much he's changed.

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