Chapter Thirty Three

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One week.

Seven full days.

That's how long it's been since I've seen or spoken to Jungkook. His saddened face and glossed over brown eyes haunt my memories daily. He's called and texted me multiple times and although it breaks my heart to know how he's feeling, I can't allow myself to go there. I can't be so naive to think he was different.

In my past relationship, I was so blind to the truth that I only hurt myself in the end. I should have known better. This time around, I have to be stronger than that and just push through the pain of missing him every day.

Going to school was not any easy feat, especially with constantly running into my ex who I now no longer speak even a word to. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? I should have told him to fuck off just like I did when I caught him in his bed with another woman. He's not the type to keep the drama away and I should have known better all along.

Work wasn't easy either. I barely spoke to my coworkers, I did my best from unleashing all of my anger on my boss, but I have been written up once already for my attitude, and even the customers would ask me if I'm okay. Just the inquiry alone was enough to get the tears to well up in my eyes.

I worried every day that I would run into Jungkook and how I would handle that. Would I ignore him? Would I be so angry that I would unintentionally start a scene? Would I cry into his muscular chest as he held me tightly? How would I be strong enough to withstand him? Because truth be told, I am still in love with him and my feelings for him go deeper than any other man I had known.

Why is it that we put all of our effort into the wrong people and then when a good one comes along, we're so tainted that we can no longer love as hard as we once did? Had Jungkook came along before Namjoon, there's a strong possibility that I would have went back home by now, but I can't continue to run around in the same circles for the rest of my life. At the end of the day, he accused me, ridiculed me, condemned me, vented to Cassie, and believed her without even giving me an opportunity to state my truth. I'm sure by now, they've gone back to their old ways so why am I even giving him another thought?

The couch sank next to me as my eyes stayed trained on the television in front of me playing the same movie over and over again. The same Will Smith movie that Jungkook and I went to go see together all those months ago. I should have just remained a roommate and quote unquote off limits. Now I see why Jimin had his rules and how stupid it was of me to dismiss them.

A warm arm wraps around my shoulder as Taehyung pulls me down to place my head onto the pillow resting in his lap as Hoseok places my feet onto his thighs. For the past week, these two men that were always like brothers to me made sure to be there for me without any reservation and for that, I will always be grateful. They never said much or tried to force me to move on when I'm not ready. They often even sat with me as I watched the same movie on repeat as if it was the first time they had seen it.

Surely they were about sick of my ass. I'm about sick of my ass, too.

"I'll start looking for another place to stay on Saturday." I mumble causing Tae to stop finger combing my hair in attempt to calm me.

"What?" Hoseok asks, gently squeezing my calf, "Why?"

"I know I'm not exactly a joy to be around and I'm sure you want your bachelor pad back." I reply as I swallow down the lump that seems to be permanently implanted in my throat these days, "Aria should be coming by with my things. It'll make it easier to move since it'll already be packed."

"Nonsense." Taehyung dismisses the idea, "You're welcome here as long as you need and Hoseok and I will be here for you no matter how long it takes. If you want to go, we can't stop you, but you are family. You always have a home with us."

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