Chapter Twenty

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Laying in bed with you in his arms while you continue to sleep soundly, Jungkook thumbs through the list of upcoming events in the nearest city while trying to decide what would be a good place to take you to on a date.

He's never actually done a real date before. Words from Mike echo in his mind over and over with tips on how to be a boyfriend for once.

Is that what he even is to you?

Glancing down at your rows of dark lashes resting on your cheek as you continue to breathe shallowly with your face cutely smooshed on his chest, he makes the decision to formally ask you to be his first girlfriend tonight. A surge of excitement blooms within him as he scrolls through the pages upon pages of activities taking place that night.

Laugh Out Loud
Comedy Show
7pm - 9pm
21 and up
$15 per person

Remembering his promise to you about going to a comedy show together when you two went to the movies, he smiles brightly at the lit up phone's screen and orders two tickets immediately. With a proud smile, he tucks his phone under his pillow and begins to slowly pepper your face with kisses in attempt to stir you from your sleep.

You groan out disapprovingly with your eyebrows cutely furrowed as you lazily shake your head, "I'm tired."

He smiles against your cheek, trying to stifle his giggle at your adorable groggy voice, "Wake up beautiful."

You open one eye to look up at him, keeping the other tightly closed. Quickly smiling at you, you can't fight giving into his charm any longer and smile back at him while slowly opening your eyes back up.

"You can't stay in the bed all day baby. We have plans tonight." Jungkook turns so that he's face to face with you.

After surprising him with a late night dinner for two after he got home from work, the two of you stayed up much later than usual enjoying each other's company and taking advantage of Jimin deciding to stay the night at Aria's.

While sex was always on his mind...let's be honest...he found the innocence of just being in your presence more enjoyable at the time. He didn't feel the need to always try to conquer you as if he was filling some unattainable void like he used to before. With you, he felt whole doing the most simplest of things.

"Plans? But I thought we were just going to stay in today." You mumble as you wrap your arm and leg around his hard body, pulling his warmth closer to your frame.

"I want to take you out on a date. So get that pretty ass of yours up and get dressed. We're going to dinner first." He smacks your backside causing you to giggle as you roll over and rub your eyes.

"What time is it anyway?" You ask as you sit up and groan in disapproval as you touch your curly hair and feel how knotted it became over night.

Jungkook glances at his phone, tapping the screen so that it can light back up, "Two forty five."

"Two forty five?!" Your eyes pop open at the realization, "I haven't slept in this late in forever!"

You swing your legs off of his bed, slipping your fuzzy house shoes back on your feet and shuffling to exit his bedroom door. Jungkook smiles as he sees his oversized shirt hitting you mid-thigh, just enough to keep you covered but damn did you look sexy in his clothes.

"Well, we were up until six this morning Miss Davis." He winks and you crawl back on to the bed towards him with a smile on your face.

"It was worth it." You kiss him, licking his bottom lip slowly as if asking for permission but when he opens to grant you access, you pull away with a smirk, "Ah, ah, ah, Kookie. I can't stay in the bed all day, remember?"

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