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Ms. Cooper seemed overjoyed by the fact that she actually had guests over, and when she mentioned that, something clicked in my mind. I knew Shane wasn't fond of the idea of having guests, but ever since I came over, he had been slowly loosening up. Not to sound proud, but I felt like it was because of me. The longer I thought about it the more things were starting to make sense, even just a little bit. I didn't know Shane, at all. I didn't know if he hurt himself on a daily basis, like those cuts on his arm for instance. There were so many, and no, I didn't ignore them. Any time his arm came into view, that was the first thing I saw, those deep red slashes. They were so much a part of him, like tattoos, that he didn't even care.

But I cared.

I wanted to know about his past. How was his father like? Who was his first kiss? First relationship? What was his favorite childhood memory? All that, I wanted to know. I wanted to see him draw, hear him play his piano and sing. But I didn't just want him to do those things.

I wanted him to do those things for me.

And so it wasn't fair. This whole situation... even if I wanted to be with him, I'd never find it in me to tell my parents. I knew I shouldn't care, but nobody knew my parents. They were all nice and funny on the outside, but on the inside, they haunted me. My dad was more tolerable than mom. He drowned himself in work too much to be around. Mom, however... if I dared tell her I had a boyfriend, she'd saw me in half and cremate me. One time, when they announced there was a shooting at a pride parade on the news, she praised the shooters. My sister and I were just staring at each other and both wanting to get the hell out of the room.

So that was why I could never let myself like Shane. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. It would hurt both of us.

"You okay?" I heard Shane whisper to me. He was sitting right next to me, and every movement and action he made was tentative and hesitant. I knew it was because he didn't want to make it seem as if he was putting pressure on me anymore. I respected him for that. At least he knew when to hold back, and I had to give him credit for trying.

I looked at him and nodded. "Just thinking," I replied. Usually he would've asked me what it was, but he just left it at that. I was grateful. I was terrible at coming up with lies on the spot, and I wasn't planning on telling him that I was thinking about him and my parents.

Shane leaned back in his chair and I saw him eye Ryan. "So, Mr. Kables, what're your intentions with my Mom?"

Elly gaped and Nolan almost choked on his food, probably from trying to hold back a laugh. Ms. Cooper just glared at her son but Ryan seemed relaxed. No surprise there.

"Um, Shane, can you... not?" Ms. Cooper said to her son with an awkward chuckle.

"Well, since you asked, Shane, I have to say your mom intrigues me. She's beautiful, and has a good heart. She's helpful, plus she likes Jasper." He smirked but Ms. Cooper was blushing at the compliments.

"Aww, okay that was cute, don't deny it guys," Elly gushed. I just chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"So Shane's like the interrogating father, and Ms. Cooper is his daughter while Ryan is her crush. Cool, I get it now," Nolan pitched in.

"Ah," Ryan remembered something. "Speaking of fathers, care to tell me what yours was like, Shane?"

Oh, no. Please no. I knew this was a very touchy subject for him.

I looked at Shane's reaction to the question and he was just staring at his plate of food, as if holding back. Elly just sank in her seat. She knew this was touchy for him too. Well thanks a lot Ryan.

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