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I could think of nothing else but Netty's words about her used-to-be mild friendship with Shane. It shocked me. I didn't know that. Well, of course I didn't because we weren't dating around the time they were friends. Apparently, they met in middle school.

Right now, I was in History class, and Shane was in here as well as Nolan, Tyler, and some of my teammates. I was itching to tell Nolan what Netty told me because I had to know what he would think. I didn't know what to believe. As far as I knew, before I got involved with Shane he was a loner, and he liked it that way. Nobody came near him and no one knew what was up with him. I just might have to ask Tyler. He should know the real Shane. Didn't they meet at a party anyway?

Was Shane pretending to love me? I felt like I should trust him by now, but if I was doubtful, what did that mean for us? That we'd have issues?

I turned to take a quick glance at Shane. He was looking right at me and I faced back front, feeling warm sensations in my blood.

Was it a bad thing to feel hurt over last night? I mean, we almost...

I sighed, closing my eyes and shaking my head. Well, if Shane was what Netty said he was, how come he even cared that 'I'd regret it' or that it was 'too soon?' I couldn't lie to myself, by the time he dropped me back home last night I had to replay the entire night over in my head. I was truly surprised at myself for wanting him to take me, for being so eager. But I couldn't help it. Something about the way he touched me and kissed me made me lose control. Being situated on top of him like that -straddling him- made every reasonable and conscious thought of mine fly out the window. And thinking about him now made my body heat up even more. With that heat came a sense of possessiveness, and want.

Yep, I was losing it.

"Hey, lover boy," Nolan taunted me quietly after class. "What's up, you've been daydreaming."

I huffed. "Thinking... about the rumors and... Shane and last night..."

Nolan sighed. "Yeah. But you know that it's gonna back fire right? The rumors. He'll find out. You gotta stop. And I can't be the one to tell him which kills me. I feel like I'm hurting him just as much. Just... don't put me or yourself in this position any longer."

"Well, the other guys are spreading bullshit, too."

"You kickstarted all of this. Now Kaleb is using this to his advantage. Honestly, I swear it's like he has some vendetta against you. The guys hang on his every word. Besides, you can't blame them. You're dating Shane, not them."

"I know, and I'm starting to doubt if I should've ever gotten involved with him in the first place."


"Netty told me some stuff and she warned me to stay away from him."

"Well, you know whores. They lie."

I shook my head. "She used to be his friend."

"Oh. Dang. Well, I can't be too surprised. Shane used to have plenty friends, but of course none of them cared for him. They just liked him because he was always at parties, and he knew how to have fun."

I nodded. Okay, I got that part. Even Shane told me he used to go to every party, so there was no doubt about it.

"But, don't listen to me. Or Netty. Shane is your boyfriend so you two need to sort it out."

"I know, but... Okay, I don't know. I don't know how this works. I mean, is it normal to doubt the person you love?"

Nolan smirked. "Is it what?"

"Is it normal to..." My eyes widened when I realized what I had said. Nolan chuckled.

"So you love him already?"

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