the end

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Hand in hand, Jace and I walked over to our tree that looked over the entire lake at Pine Creek, where my father used to take me all the time. This was where so many of my memories had been made when I was little.

It was here that I spent my fifth birthday, and sixth. And seventh. It was here that my parents, Elly, her family, and I would come to spend hours and have a picnic. It was here that I officially met Darren, and also spent time with him. It was here that I was supposed to go fishing with my dad the day he passed.

Jace and I stood against the tree that early evening, enjoying the peace and quiet; enjoying each other's company because in two hours, he would be in Louisburg. He just might have to take my heart with him. I wanted to cry.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked Jace. "I fully support you moving away from all the crap going on here. I'm talking about us not seeing each other though."

He pouted. "Shane..."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just hate the thought of missing you too much."

He looked at me. "Here." He stepped over to me and rested his back against my chest, and I wrapped my arms around him. "Better?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Shane, don't make me cry," Jace told me with a light chuckle. He held onto my hands, squeezing them and giving one a gentle kiss. I raised my head and watched the stillness of the blue-green lake before us.

"I wanted to thank you, Shane. And you know I hate sentiments, but I'm just gonna say it. You've shown me true love. I know what it feels like now. And we will see each other again, you can count on that. Lets just give it some time. I love you, though."

"I love you, too, Jace. I really do." I kissed the side of his head and sighed.

I held him a little tighter as we enjoyed the serenity of the the lake, which was glowing from the sky's light in glorious pink, soft shades of orange, and the lingering hue of bright red.

It would take some getting used to, being on my own and focusing on my mental health. Jace was right. Therapy might not be so bad. I had a feeling it was what my dad would want. So, on that note, I was looking forward to the future. I was looking forward to feeling happy again.

***---*** The End ***---***

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