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I sat on Shane's bed, watching him pace around his room, holding his anger in.

"I can't believe she's doing this to you guys!" He huffed and turned to me. "I'm calling the police this time-"

"No, don't!" I shot up and walked up to him. "I'm just... I don't want that right now. I just wanna be with you."

He hugged me. "Yeah, of course." I laid my head under his chin. He pulled away soon and inspected my marks.

Gwen had decided to stay at Nolan's because she knew him well enough. He would take care of her until tomorrow.

I was thinking, my mind wandering until I felt something cold against my face. I was startled then I realized it was Shane with an ice pack. I relaxed and he chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'm here."

"I know," I replied, holding his hand. After a short while, he put the ice pack away and we laid on his bed, propped up on his pillows.

"Your mom isn't back yet?" I asked. He didn't reply. I looked at him, guessing something was probably wrong but I realized he was thinking. His mind was far from here. "Shane," I called his attention.

He gazed at me with his mesmerizing gray eyes. "Huh? Sorry..."

"What's wrong?"

He slowly shook his head, his eyes studying my face. "I'm just thinking."

"I know you had a bad day. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about..."

"Jace, none of this is your fault. I just gotta know... Do you have feelings for me? I mean, after all we've been through... you have feelings for me right?"

"Shane, of course. Without a doubt." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "There's no might, maybe, or kind of. I do."

He nodded. "Okay. Sometimes a person just needs to be reminded, you know."

"Yeah." I sighed. I needed to confess. Everything! All the lies, the rumors, and my love for him. I figured he still had no clue since he didn't bring it up. That, or he did know but he didn't want to bring it up because he was too afraid of the truth. Either of those were reasonable.

I took in a huge, silent breath. Okay. All I had to do was start from the beginning and be honest from now on. Whatever happens, happens.

But before I could utter a word, Shane brought up another subject.

"Homecoming is this Saturday."

I sighed then nodded. "Yeah."

"Your mom isn't coming to the game?"

I pointed to my face. "Doesn't look like it, as far as I can see."

"And your dad still hasn't come back?" Shane queried. I shook my head.

"No. I don't know why. I asked Mom; she said she doesn't know. And for some strange reason, I believe her. Dad just up and left. I think he abandoned us."

"Or he could be looking for a place for you and Gwen to stay and live with him. And be away from your mother forever. Then he might take his money and leave your mom on the highway."

I burst out laughing and he joined me.

"I'm serious!" He chuckled.

"Yeah! Like that would ever happen," I joked. "Never in a million years would Dad ever come back for us. It's been almost what? Three weeks?"

"Two weeks and a day."

"Oh. Well then. Like I said, he abandoned us. I've called him, but I think he changed his number."

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