Chapter 1: Queen Amirah

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Small A/N - I had some issues relating to character ages, and I'll make them clear as I go along with the story. And Amirah was the name I chose for Zelda's mom since it isn't known. That's about it for now

The bells chimed and the crowds cheered. Just another bit until they officially announced Amirah and Rhoam married, and aside from that, announced them king and queen of Hyrule.

You were wandering through the halls, nearly bored out of your mind. The past two months for you had only been listening to everybody's excitement about the wedding.

Princess Amirah this! Princess Amirah that! Never anything about Princess _____.

You leaned your back up against a wall, trying to ignore the thoughts and get some peace for a while. Until you heard a quiet, familiar voice coming from around the corner. You turned to look, hoping to not be seen.

"I cannot wait, my darling. With these past few months of you being my fiancée, I am over the moon I can finally call you my wife within the hour." Rhoam was saying from outside your sister's door.

"I know! It will finally be official." Amriah giggled, and her footsteps could be heard from inside.

"Alright. I better get going downstairs before I get caught talking to you. I love you dear." He began to turn and you didn't realize how much you had leaned over in that time.

"I love you too!" She called, and Rhoam started walking back down the hall.

"_____?" You realized you were in sight, and didn't bother trying to hide again as it would only push the image further that you were eavesdropping.

"O-Oh! Rhoam!" You started jogging over, making it seem like you were just walking by. "Why aren't you downstairs?"

"I just wanted to come speak with my bride." He told you, his head high and his smile bright.

"Oohh, you're gonna get in trouble." You teased, looking down each hall to check for guards or maids.

"Shh! As long as you don't tell anyone, I should be fine." He whispered and you giggled. "Also, Amirah needs you. I'm gonna go sneak back down there, make sure they all think I was still in my room." You and Rhoam gave each other a thumbs-up, and headed off where you needed to be.

"_____! There you are!" Amirah stepped out of her bathroom as you walked in and her long white gown trailing behind her. It was beautiful, the white laces and jewels adorned soft silk fabric and everything had a certain glow to it.

"You look amazing, Ami!" You closed the door and looked her over, especially admiring her golden, bouncy, shiny and curly hair she had done up. Her makeup was bright and perfect, and it reminded you a lot of your mother.

"Thank you sis! I'm so excited, this is gonna be the happiest day of my life!" She exclaimed, looking in the mirror to put some clips in her hair. "Oh, and could you do that last clip on my back? It keeps breaking."

"Of course." You grabbed a pin from her desk and slipped it through, managing to fix the broken clip and keep it tight. "There you go."

"You really know how to fix everything, don't you? Thank you." She squeezed you tight before heading back to the bathroom to put another clip in her hair. Then she came back out to grab the veil off the bed.

"Here, let me help." You lifted the other half of it up and over her head so she could position it correctly. The two of you connected all of the clips and you managed to smooth it out so one part was in front of her face and the other was long behind her.

"Okay, I think this is good. Does this look right to you?" She turned around so you could get a good view of all sides, and her twirl only made the dress poof out more.

"You look perfect! Now come on, we've got a wedding to get to." You both hurried out of the room, rushing to get with the group of bridesmaids.

You giggled your way down the hall, happy to see your sister so ecstatic. As soon as you got downstairs, all of the bridesmaids immediately yelled "Surprise!" When they revealed the cake.

"Oh my goddess it's beautiful!" You and Amirah stared at the cake in awe, it was taller than you and absolutely mouth watering.

"Alright, cake later, wedding now!" One of Amirah friends, Mel, started looking her over with a smile. Your best friend Reese walked over to you and you both had a quick chat before the doors opened again.

"Amirah!" Urbosa walked in happily and Amirah's eyes lit up when she saw her. "You look beautiful!" Amirah ran over and hugged her, and you smiled and waved to her and she waved back. "You think you're ready?"

"Of course I am, Urbosa! I've been excited for this for months!" They both laughed, and then a few of the other bridesmaids called you all out.

"Let's do this." You and Reese said in Unison before walking down the aisle with the others. As soon as you were up with your brother-in-law to be, the music started, and your sister started walking down.

As soon as she got the steps, she walked up and stood in front of the groom, both smiling and gazing into the other's eyes.

After the vows

"Princess Amirah, do you take Rhoam Bosphoramus to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked, turning to the bride.

"I do."

"And Sir Rhoam, do you take Princess Amirah to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then I am pleased to announce you husband and wife. Sir Rhoam, you may kiss the bride."

Rhoam kissed Amirah passionately and then picked her up bridal style and everyone cheered and clapped.

"All hail our new king and queen of Hyrule, Rhoam and Amirah!" With that, the cheering only got louder and the whispers between the new couple couldn't even be heard.

Now not only was there a new king and queen, there was an unexpected new responsibility for you.

So I was gonna try to have Revali introduced in here but it was already almost 1,000 words. I'll be getting him in very soon

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