Chapter 11: Training

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"_____! You're back!" Revali smiled and put his wings together as you stepped into Rito Village- light, comfortable armor on with a backpack full of weapons, and a good mood and ready mindset trailing along with you so you could begin your training.

"Hi Revali!" You waved and hopped up the stairs, and he welcomed you in and led you up to his room. "Can we head down to the flight range?" You asked as you set your things down and started searching through your bag to be sure you had everything.

"You made good timing, _____." He laughed, grabbing his bow. "I was just on my way over there." He put his quiver on his back and slid some arrows - both regular and bomb - into it. You heaved your bag on to your back and smiled as he kneeled down, readying his wings.

"Hey! No fair, you don't get to fly!" You exclaimed as he began flapping. He simply turned his head back a bit and gave you a fake pout the best he could with a beak.

"Aw, I'm sorry, princess. Maybe one day you'll be able to fly too~" He teased before jumping up into the air and flying off.

"Cheater!" You called out and started running, knowing he heard you and was going to be back within minutes to meet you at the entrance.


"You seem very eager to get started," Revali started as he began prepping his arrows; watching as you struggled to readjust your right boot and make it fit perfectly. "You aren't usually this... peppy."

"Well today's a perfect day to train!" You finally got your boot on right and got up and made sure your bow was fine. "Now, let's go!" You both leaped off the platform in near perfect sync with each other and got to work taking down the targets. "Revali, watch ou-" The pair of you flew right into each other, and then fell down into the water below. "Revali?!" You gasped as you reached the surface, and you were left sitting confused for a few long seconds before you could see the blue feathered figure begin flailing about right next to you.

"____! He... help!" That's when you felt the bottom, and noticed his feet could reach better than yours since he was taller, but he was refusing to let them go down as he curled up. "THIS WON'T BE THE WAY I, THE ACE ARCHER OF RITO VILLAGE WILL PERISH, I WON'T ALLOW IT-"

"Revali!" You snapped and he stopped his flailing to look at you, now realizing he could float. You chuckled and sighed a bit before grabbing his wing. "Come here, you." You pulled him to the small rocky place above the water, and he tried to shake the water off but found himself unsuccessful. "See? You're alive."

"Well I've never had a near drowning experience before so what do you suppose I was to expect? I could've died!" He folded his soaking wet wings, turning his head as he crossed his legs.

"Well, your lucky your princess was here to save you." You folded your own arms, looking away a bit; your words not quite catching up to you fast enough.

"M-My princess?" Revali looked back, a slight blush appearing on his feathers.

"I-I meant-"

"Hmph!" He just got more red before flapping his still drenched wings a couple times before flying up. He didn't make it very far before crashing back into the water. "_____!!!! HELLLP!!!!"


"I must admit, it's a little odd seeing flustered Revali." You teased as you wrapped a towel around his wing. Revali moved the one on his other wing and sighed.

"D-Don't expect to get used to it!" He stammered, and you giggled, rustling the feathers on his head. He smiled a bit, trying to ease his own mind, and wrapped his wings around himself for extra warmth.

"Need anything else, 'ace archer of Rito Village'?" You asked, and he shook his head. "Okay then, I'll be back." You left his room and he closed his eyes for a few seconds before processing what you asked.

"Hey! I only said that once!"


"Are we ready to try again?" You asked, and he nodded. You both ran across the platform once again and in even more perfect sync, leaped off. You flew around with your paraglider, shooting each of the targets. Revali did the same, and within minutes you were back on the landing with your Rito friend. "See?" You said, smiling. He nodded and laughed, glad he was up on land and dry and not soaked in a large pond.


Flustered Revali is best Revali <3

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