Chapter 31: Veil of Darkness

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The attack on the yiga went well in the words of Captain Adrian and Captain Barry, but they also claimed that they couldn't properly locate Kohga and the other supposed leader, so they still remained hidden.

The one responsible for the death of Amirah, 'Astor', was apparently found dead as well, and based off the remnants of power they found, they somehow managed to kill each other.

Over the course of the last twenty-four hours, Rhoam had been trying to keep the kingdom together, and it wasn't easy on him. He was suffering terribly from the loss, and the weight of the suffering kingdom on his shoulders wasn't helping.

Urbosa had been under only the best medical care the whole time as she was severely injured, and had you and Rhoam not found her when you did, it likely would've been fatal.

With Rhoam busy and Urbosa rarely conscious enough to talk to you, you spent most of the time alone in your room, torn between sobbing and sleep.

You had just woken up from an hour long nap - the longest one you had been able to manage uninterrupted - and found yourself once again in a puddle of tears.

You felt pressure on the mattress behind you, and even after refusing to turn around you felt a hand on your arm.

"Why are you crying?" And of course the voice was from the last person you wanted to see right now. You looked anyways, and saw your niece staring at you confused and wide-eyed.

"Don't worry about me," You whispered, gently cupping her cheek. "I'm fine." Even with you saying this and slightly sitting up with all the strength you could muster, she still wrapped her small arms around your neck and hugged you.

"Don't be sad. It's okay." Was all she said, and you flopped back down and sighed, letting a few more tears fall before you fell back asleep with her on your chest.

A little bit later, you woke up to see Urbosa sitting next to you; the shadows covering most of her face but not yet being able to mask the pain that her eyes drowned in. She simply brushed some hair out of your face before lying down next to you and Zelda, falling back asleep alongside you without a word.


"_____, Urbosa... wake up." You woke up a while later to Rhoam's voice, and once you opened your nearly swollen eyes you saw him with Zelda sitting on his lap, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "I really want to let you two sleep but you have to get ready."

"Ready...? Ready for what?" You mumbled as you yawned, and then as he walked out of the room with Zelda, letting two of the handmaids into the room, you realized exactly what he meant.

You and Urbosa both got dressed - you in a black gown with a hat that had a mini veil in the front, along with gloves, tights and heels to match. Urbosa had on a cut Gerudo top with half-length sleeves, and then a black skirt and heels. She let her hair down, and didn't wear anything on her head.

The two of you made your way to the throne room, and the second you saw all of the royal guards flood the room, you stopped walking and sighed. Urbosa rested her hand on your shoulder, and then nodded for you both to enter the room further.

Rhoam had you come up the stairs with him, and then told you to sit down in your throne. Urbosa stood beside you, and Zelda was sitting in Amirah's throne, watching curiously as the room was filled with people dressed up in black - tugging on her father's dark coat to ask about it.

He picked her up and sat her down on his throne so Captain Allen and Captain Marc could place the large amount of flowers on Amirah's throne.

Once everyone was in and seated, the whole service began. Speeches, quotes, family members coming to talk, and then finally, just before it was your turn, your Aunt Janelle came up and stood before everyone.

"As some of you may know, I am Queen Amirah and Princess _____'s aunt, Janelle. I was their mother, the former Queen Kallora's younger sister." She looked to you, and then back to the crowd. "Much like _____, I had to sit through my elder sister's funeral, and it was never easy from that day on."

Everyone across the crowd nodded and whispered, and Rhoam raised his hand to silence them completely, but Janelle gestured for him to put his hand down.

"Amirah was my niece, your queen, Rhoam's wife, _____'s sister, Zelda's mother and an incredibly close friend of Urbosa. And we can all agree that Hyrule will not be the same without her now. In a time we needed her guidance most, she was taken from us." She held her hands together in front of her, sighing deeply as she continued. "While our beloved queen is no longer here, the light she brought upon this kingdom will now shine through her sister, her husband, her best friend, the heroes that will soon lead us, and most importantly, her daughter." Everyone below agreed, and then Janelle bowed and left the balcony.

You felt Urbosa tap your shoulder, and you slowly nodded and walked to stand in front of Rhoam, nervous about speaking. You cleared your throat, hoping that you could last long enough so you're voice wouldn't get raspy or quiet in the middle of your time.

"As my Aunt Janelle said, it isn't ever going to be the same again, nor will it ever be easy, not having Amirah here. She did a lot for this kingdom, for this family, for everyone. And as her sister, though I can never amount to her leadership, grace and power, I'm going to do my best to help Rhoam lead our dear Hyrule in her absence." Some talking and even a small bit of clapping went around, and you took a deep breath and went on. "So, thank you for giving us what we have today. For guiding us as far as fate would allow you to. I could never put in words how missed you already are and are going to be. We love you." At this point you were practically in tears again, and Urbosa ran over and lead you back to your seat, comforting you for a moment before walking up to do her part of the speech.

She spoke about how she would continue to lead her own people and to help guide Hyrule following the strength Amirah had portrayed and how much of a role model she had been, even being a few years younger than her. You could tell Urbosa wasn't in much of a talking mood, but she'd do anything to honor Amirah. You tried to listen as much as you could, but zoned in and out of focus so you only picked up certain parts.

Finally, once Urbosa finished, she walked back to stand by you and held your hand tightly with her own. Rhoam then went about his own speech, getting emotional about halfway through but continuing with the same feeling that he did in the beginning.

Afterwards, they had you, Urbosa, Janelle and Rhoam see her one last time afterwards, and as you and Urbosa walked up, you had to force yourself to stay sane for a little while longer.

She looked peaceful. Like nothing had happened at all to her. You then noticed something... out of place. On her hand. You slowly reached out to touch her wrist, as Urbosa didn't seem to notice, and when you did you felt an unfamiliar force of power.

"Rhoam," You whispered frantically as you turned around, pulling your hand back to yourself as you did. He quickly walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, and you pointed to Amirah. "There's still power with her. I can feel it."

"_____," He said, looking down at her with sorrow. "There's no power. I know you want to believe she's not gone but we have to face the truth now."

"No, seriously Rhoam I saw glowing! I-" You looked back at her, now noticing it had faded away but still feeling the power. "She's still fighting!"

"_____!" He looked to Urbosa, who rushed back to your side. "Don't start this here." He whispered harshly, and as Urbosa wrapped herself around you in an attempt to help you, you silenced yourself and grabbed her hand.

You watched as she and Rhoam said their final goodbyes, and then you escaped off to your room again before they could find out you left.

You stayed there for what felt like forever before finally managing to fall back asleep. Anything to keep your mind off all this pain.


*shipment of hotsauce comes in*

Okay this isn't even hotsauce anymore, this is ghostpeppers... Ani_the_Rito I need help

Oh and BrynTro please don't kill me :D I'm so sorry

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