Chapter 38: I'll Be Back

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You zipped up your bag and pulled your dark cloak over your head before grabbing your broadsword – hoping you weren’t making too much noise as you did this. As you made sure you had everything ready to go, you also grabbed a couple photos and shoved them in with everything else. Just so you had something to go by after you left.

You snuck out of your room and past Rhoam’s, trying not to let guilt drown you decision. You gave a quick salute to his door before continuing down the long hallway. You stepped down the stairs, and before you got to the bottom you heard two voices – one of which you knew belonged to your aunt.

“Yes, I’ll be careful.” She said to the guards as her jewelry jingled as she walked. “Don’t worry about me.” That’s when you remembered she was leaving back to her kingdom, so you decided to go down and saw goodbye.

“Hey Aunt Janelle.” You whispered as you got downstairs. She turned around and smiled softly when she saw you, jogging over to hug you. “So, you’re heading back to your place?”

“Yes, I’m needed there. But I’ll return tomorrow for your ceremony.” She looked you over as she pulled out of the hug, and then started to seem a bit confused. “You look like you’re heading somewhere yourself, dear.”

“Oh- yes, I’m heading out to get to Rito Village while the storm is calmed down over there.” You explained to her, repositioning your bag straps on your shoulder since they were starting to hurt. “I’m just going for the night.” Now this is where the lie came in.

“Oh, well alright then. Don’t be late tomorrow morning, though. I don’t think that would please your brother-in-law too much.” She told you, and you smiled and nodded. “I’ll see you in the morning. You get some sleep.” You waved to her as she rode her horse away from the castle grounds, and then you went to get saddled up on your own steed for your own trip.

As you got your horse all packed up and ready to go, you remembered you left your bow upstairs in your room. So you had to go all the way back up to grab it.

Once you got up to your room, you quietly opened the door again and went searching for your archery weapon. You had forgotten where you put it since it had been so long since you’ve needed it, so you had to go on quite the search just to get your hands on it once again.

You finally did find it, under a pile of big soft blankets. But the string was damaged a bit, so you were going to have to see if Revali could fix it in the morning. So you just went to grab your quiver and arrows, and back out the door you went.

You got back down to the stable and threw your bow on your back along with your sword, and then you hopped up on to your horses back, ready to leave off and reunite with your rito lover. But just before you were about to head off, you heard something fall inside of the stable, so you rushed to get back in and see what it was.

“Zelda!” You gasped as you ran over to fish her out of the huge pile of apples surrounding her. “What are you doing? Are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” She reassured you as you set her back on the ground in front of you. “I was just getting some water when I heard the horses and I wanted to see who was here.”

“You shouldn’t be getting water this late by yourself,” You told her, and she merely nodded.

“It’s okay, daddy was helping me.” Shoot.

“Where is your father now?” You asked, biting your lip – the last thing you needed right now was for Rhoam to find out you were leaving the night before your wedding and coronation.

“He went back upstairs to talk to somenone,” She shrugged, brushing some of the hay off her dress. “Urbosa’s downstairs and she helped me get water, but then she went back to sleep.”

“Alright then, Zelda, just tell your father I’ll be home in a few hours, okay?” She nodded to this, and you patted her head and began walking back over to your steed, but then you stopped. “I’ll be back.” You took your necklace off and put it around her neck, and she giggled and hugged you, making you feel ten times more awful about what you were doing.

“Okay!” She then ran back inside to find her father, and you hoisted yourself up on to your horse’s saddle, and then pulled the reins and directed your horse towards the Tabantha region so you could go to Rito Village - the words 'I'll be back' repeating in your head. You really hated lying to everyone about what you planned on doing, but they would never let you leave again if they knew.

So you had to stay quiet so that way you could get to where you needed to be in peace and safely so you wouldn’t have to marry Nolan and take the official spot as queen.

It was for the sake of your freedom, and also probably for the best of the kingdom that a confused, young adult wasn’t becoming their ruler for the next decade.


Hello hello dear readers :3

Also this is where the namesake of the book comes in ;)

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