Chapter 30: Sacrifice

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??? POV

My eyes slowly opened, and I tried to catch my breath as I accustomed to the feeling of metal clamped around both my hands, chaining me to the wall.

"Oh dear... what a shame the legacy of Hyrule had to end in such a way." A raspy voice brought my senses away from the gripping pain in my chest. "Poor, dear Kallora..."

"I'm afraid you're mistaken..." I managed, and he quickly glanced at me and held his hand to his chest.

"Pardon me?" He looked a bit surprised, and I coughed a bit and let out a short hitched breath.

"Kallora would be my mother." His glare alone pierced through my soul.

"Oh, no wonder you were so easy to capture. How young would you be, hm?" He asked this, and I was about to go on but with my real age he could figure I may have heirs. So I lied.

"Eighteen." He shrugged and continued to pace around the dark room, his Scepter in hand and his cloak trailing behind him.

"Astor," A yiga man burst into the room, and Astor stopped to look at him, also keeping an eye on the one that ran in behind him.

"Sooga." He raised his eyebrow, and the yiga moved aside as a hand pushed him away, walking inside the room.

"There she is." Urbosa...?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and she walked over to me and placed her fingertips on my chin and lifted my head up. She looked almost like nothing had happened. "Urbosa, what's going on?!"

"Amirah," She said, chuckling a bit. "You genuinely thought you could get away with all this and not pay."

"G-Get away with what?" She removed her hand and replaced it with the tip of her sword, and I gasped and looked up further to prevent getting hurt.

"All these years of luring you in and you never caught on. What a smart woman you are." She walked away, allowing me to drop my head again and take a few deep breaths. "Come along now, Sooga. We have to let our... visitors know." She and Sooga left, leaving me alone with Astor once again. But this time he had someone else next to him.

"Mommy?" I could see Zelda standing there, with his hand on her head.

"Zelda!" I screeched, and a small smirk came to his pale lips. "Unhand her!"

"I know you aren't eighteen, Lady Amirah. This is your daughter, is it not?" Zelda remained standing beneath him, gazing at me confused.

"Don't hurt her." I growled, yanking on the chains around my hands - the only thing preventing from protecting my daughter.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't promise you that-" He stopped, smiling once again as his yellow eyes glowed. "-unless you're willing to make a deal with me."

"Anything for you to leave her alone." He laughed maniacally, and then looked down at Zelda.

"What a pity. All this time you've been worried about your dear daughter and husband. Not enough worrying about your sister for either of you to know we have this." He held up one of the four scrolls - lightning. I gasped and he continued to laugh. "She's been trying to hard to get you to see her from your level, that she even failed to notice she can no longer wield her new powers."

"I'll do anything for you to let my baby go and give my sister her power back." I leaned forward, stretching my arms quite a bit backwards but not caring about it.

"A life for a life, my dear queen."

A dagger suddenly appeared in his hand, and he pushed Zelda aside and aimed it at me.

"You sacrifice your own life, and I'll leave Hyrule alone." My breaths got deeper, as I was sure I was coming to my last, and all I could do was let a cry escape my mouth.

"So... do we have a deal?"

I could barely even make a nod out to him before the most intense pain I've ever felt shot through my chest. I practically screamed as I looked down to see the huge dagger as far as it could go into my chest.

Astor continued to laugh maniacally as I began to hear ringing in my ears, and through blurry eyes I saw the swarm of calamity surround him, and it only took me a moment to know he was never going to keep his promise.

Even with my hands chained up completely I found the last few ounces of strength I had left in my body, and I felt it all go straight to my hands.

The last thing I saw was him surrounded by calamity, and I used this chance to unleash the triforce and end this once and for all.

So, the final thing I heard was the enormous explosion of power, killing off anything and anyone sworn to the oath of evil in it's range. Everything went yellow and white, and tears streamed down my face as I was preparing to meet the end.

"Rhoam... _____... I'm so sorry..." I managed in this miserable ending. "Zelda, my little bird, you can do so much better than me... forgive me for this... hylia..."

I felt everything fade out as my life flashed before my eyes. Everything from the day _____ was born, meeting Rhoam and Urbosa, my wedding with Rhoam, the day Zelda was born and the last time I was with them all.

At least if I was going to die, my death wouldn't be in vain.


Back to your POV

You and Rhoam traveled once again across the desert to the yiga hideout, on a mission to rescue Amirah before it was too late. The army was right behind you, and it wasn't long before you made it to the area.

All of you stormed in towards the doors, and the closer you got the more confident you were that the yiga could still be torn apart.

But that's when you saw familiar red hair, and a woman lying outside the front. You ran towards her and sat by her side, quickly realizing that the woman was Urbosa.

"Urbosa? Urbosa!" She slowly opened her emerald eyes, and you gasped as you moved her long red hair out of her face as she struggled to breathe properly. "What happened? Are you okay? What did they do to you?!"

"I'm fine..." She managed weakly.

"Guards, take her back to Gerudo Town. We still have to find Amirah." You stayed kneeled by her side, only standing at the end of your sentence.

"Don't go..." She coughed, and you turned to face her again. "It's too late..."

"What?" You said, eyes beginning to well up with tears.

"Astor... he..." She couldn't even finish her sentence before letting out a deep sigh followed by her eyes closing.

"Urbosa?! Urbosa stay with me!" She raised her hand lightly to let you know she was still breathing, and you let the realization settle in that it was too late.

You sat next to her, shock starting to overwhelm you as you broke down into tears next to her. You could now notice her face was tear stained as well, and then you felt Rhoam's hand on your shoulder as he knelt down and let you fall into his arms, and he tried to hold himself together for your sake.

He eventually let the wave of shock overtake him as well, and the three of you stayed there for a good while with a few guards while the rest of the army went in to clash with the Yiga.


Botw did it first luvs I'm sorry

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