Birthday Blues

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After a day of assuring Juicy and the rest of the boys I was fine as well as planning for Josh's birthday, Juicy dropped me off at the hotel. As soon as I entered, I saw Millie, Roger, Olly, Jack and Johnathan staring at me from the lounge. I wandered in, then raising their eyebrows and smirking as I gained closer.
"What?" I laughed.
"You never told me" Millie smirked, "that you and Gaege share a bed." My cheeks were dusted with red as I slowly backed away, the group shouting of me to come back.
"So," Roger giggled, "why do you two share a bed? You told me he made a room for you."
"We didn't!" I exclaimed, no one looking like they believed me, "we aren't all like you two, you know." I gestured to Roger and Millie, both's eyes widening as their eyes darted around the room.
"They didn't, guys! God, stop going on at her!" Roger said quickly before they both quickly walked upstairs. I laughed as Olly stood up to escort me to my room.

The next day, I pulled Patrick before going to my trailer.
"What can I do for you?" He beamed.
"It's my friend's birthday on Tuesday. I know it's late notice but would it be possible to have the day off or at least leave a little earlier? We're having a party for him and they were going to have it in Texas where my friend Eddie lives but now Gaege is doing it at his house so I can go."
"Of course! Have the whole day off, you deserve it!" Patrick smiled, "we'll move around the schedule and shoot the scenes that you aren't in."
"Thank you so much!" I smiled, before going to my trailer. What the boys didn't know was that it was my 20th birthday today! Millie and the others at the hotel obviously knew. When I got to my trailer someone had put up banners as well as presents. I beamed but didn't have time to open them just yet.

After hours of filming, I finally made my way to my trailer. Millie was already waiting outside, she thankfully was on her break now, too.
"Come open your presents!" She beamed, I nodded and quickly opened the door. The table was stacked with them.
"Start from the front and work your way back." She smirked, I did so. The first bag I grabbed was a silver, sparkly bag and on the tag was written:

"To the best Princess Leia I have ever worked with!


I smiled, looking inside the bag. Inside was a replica of an Oscar, on the label was engraved "The best performance when her boyfriend is watching reward: Maiya Swan" I laughed and showed Millie.
"He's got a point, you just come alive so much more when he walks in, I didn't think it was possible!" I giggled, blushing a little at the thought of him. Next was a pink, sparkly bag from Olly, inside was a necklace with Leia's silhouetted head on it. I smiled before picking up another bag. This one was from Jack and Johnathan. Inside was a picture of the two holding hands, on the tag it said that for my birthday, they have made it official. I showed Millie, both of us squealing in excitement as we always bothered the two about dating each other. Next was a present from Millie and Roger, I smiled at her as I opened it to see a small duster inside the bag, something wrapped inside.
"That duster was in the cupboard that me and Roger-"
"Yep!" I laughed, sighing.
"He wouldn't be where he is without you and Gaege." I opened the cloth to see a beautiful, golden locket, the American flag carved on the front. Inside was two pictures: one of me, the boys, Macey and Lleu and the other was a picture of all of us on the set (including Jack, Johnathan, Roger and Olly). I burst into tears, hugging Millie.
"Just to remind you of your trip to America." She smiled before handing me another bag to open. In this one was a gift from my parents. It was a photo album, all of my family signing a page under a photo of me with each of them. In some I was very young, Millie laughing at those ones. I lightly nudged her before picking up my next present. It was also from England, making me curious. Inside was a card signed by Professor Seaton as well as a professional-looking copy of the first script I wrote for the University. Inside the script were photos of us at the school performing it. Another bag was pulled out, when I looked it was from Eilish. Inside was a notebook, on each page was a quote from a famous actor or writer such as To be or not to be, that is the question ~ William Shakespeare. Next, was an envelope from Lleu and Macey. Inside was two tickets to see Heathers on Broadway (which they knew was my favourite musical).
"Maybe when it's done, you and Gaege can do some Dead Girl Walk-"
"Stop talking!" I laughed. The show was when I have two weeks off for Christmas. Finally, there was a box at the very back. On the tag it had on:

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