Our New Home

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"What?" Juicy frowned, "Maiya, I'm not leaving you. Ever."
"Scarlett," I cried, "she-"
I was cut off by Gaege scoffing, shaking his head.
"You don't need to worry about her."
"Of course I do!" I exclaimed, the others piling into the room, Eddie, Narrator, Macey, Lleu and Hollin with them "she attacked me because I'm with you! What next? Murder?"
"Don't think like that!" Juicy told me, grasping onto my hand.
"How else am I supposed to?!" I sobbed.
"She won't touch you again." another voice told me from the doorway, Johnathan, "the police are coming to speak to you later and I need you to tell them everything. She'll get 5 years maximum in prison, I'm told."
"And when she gets out?" I asked.
"She'll have a restraining order and from now on you'll have protection wherever you go."
"What about me?" Narrator spoke.
"What?" Johnathan frowned.
"I was in the military. I can protect Maiya."
"Great idea!" Johnathan exclaimed, "but you'll need to stay at the hotel, too."
"Or..." Macey beamed, Lleu and Hollin nodding and grinning.
"Let's tell her." Hollin whispered, everyone but me, Johnathan, Millie and Roger nodding.
"Tell me what?" I questioned, Juicy squeezing my hand and smiling to me.
"Well, what with our YouTube channels blowing up recently and the extra money off of the movie," Josh began.
"And all of us needing to stay out here for a while." Mully continued.
"Plus, we don't really want to leave our partners." Eddie spoke.
"So," Narrator smiled, "we decided to buy a big house not far away from the studio."
"Which all of us are going to live in." Juicy finished.
"Really?!" I beamed, the others nodding.
"If you want," Johnathan told me, "you can live with them. Do you want us to pick you up each morning?"
"It's fine, I'll just catch a ride with these guys." I smiled, wrapping my arm around Juicy's shoulder, himself resting his head on my shoulder.
"In that case we'll send out a limo for you all each morning." Johnathan smiled, all of us cheering.

"Ah, Miss Swan." Someone spoke. We all turned to see two detectives stood in the doorway.
"We'll leave you to it." Josh smiled, patting my foot (the one that was not injured), the others following. I stopped Juicy who was climbing to his feet.
"Can you stay?" I whispered, he smiled and nodded, taking ahold of my hand once more.
"Can you tell us what happened?" The officer spoke as the two sat themselves down.
"I was at the cafe with Ju- Gaege. I got a call from my friend Millie who asked to meet me further up the street. I passed the alleyway besides the cafe which I was pulled into. She threatened me for dating Gaege and proceeded to... well, do this."
"She?" The officer frowned.
"Scarlett." Juicy spoke, "Scarlett Thompson attacked Maiya."
The detective nodded as the other wrote that down.
"We will be in touch, get well soon." The officer smiled before leaving once more.

Soon enough, I was aloud to go, but my leg was indeed broken. This meant I couldn't go to filming for a while.
"I've had too many days off." I cried to Juicy as I sat on his bed, "I'm going to lose the role."
"Hey," Juicy sighed, tilting my head to face his as he held my hand with his other "Patrick told you to take time off and that this role will always be yours. Yeah, they're going to have to push back the release of the movie, but none of the fans know that, do they? She will pay for this, I promise." With this he pulled me in for a hug, being careful with my leg. I had the wear the cast for six weeks meaning I was going to have all of November off. Luckily, it will  be off before Juicy and I go to New York to see Heathers. We moved into the new house within a few days and it looked amazing! It was guarded with fencing and a key pad, which put me at ease what with the police were still trying to find Scarlett. Apparently, after she attacked me, she ran off and no one's seen her since. Anyways, Juicy and I entered the building to see a large hall, stairs in front of us. To the left was a gorgeous black and marble kitchen and to the right was a doorway. We wandered in, leading us to a large living room, two smaller doors either side of the back wall. In one was a small gaming room (which the boys decided to convert into a room for the group channel's videos). In the other was sparkling, clean, white and grey bathroom. Upstairs was a hallway of rooms on two more levels. The first room on the right was Josh's room which he had decorated with LEDs and a white couch / bed. On his wall was an American flag which Juicy and Narrator had put in when he wasn't looking to annoy him. He still didn't know, but would definately discover later. Next to his was Smashing's bedroom. He had decorated his with blue LED lighting as well as a large computer set up which even Josh was jelous of. On the left was Eddie and Macey's bedroom which was a large, white room, complete with a modern fire and TV opposite their white bed. A door in the room attatches theirs to Narrator and Lleu's. In the room was a marbled, white floor as well as a walk-in-wardrobe besides a grey, brick wall holding a TV. A grey rug separated the bed from the sparkling floor. On the third floor, there were three more rooms. In front of the stairs was the first door which lead into a cinema room. The room was black and red and contained two red, velvet sofas. To the other end of the stairs were two other rooms. In the left room was Mully and Hollin's room. It was a bright, white room and had a beach theme to it. On the back wall was a wall dedicated to brushes. It has a black shelf containing multiple brush plushes, brush wallpaper, a framed plush shirt and posters. Finally, there was Juicy and I's room. He had decorated it so I didn't know what to expect. He covered my eyes and opened the door. He attempted to lead me inside but bumped me into the wall.
"Oops." He giggled, cutely. I elbowed him to which he whined.
"Okay!" He exclaimed, before uncovering my eyes. I looked around to see a beautiful room. The walls were cream and the flooring was a light wood. A black couch rested in the corner as well as two arm chairs. Built into one of the walls was a black, glass fire place. However, the best part of the room was above the bed. Hand painted onto the wall were the words "I have loved you for a thousand years...I'll love you for a thousand more..."
"As in the song we sang together at-"
"I know." I smiled, tearing up at the words. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting on mine.
"Do you like it?" He beamed.
"I love it!" I cried before deeply hugging him. I would have jumped on him had I not been on crutches due to my broken leg.
"I love you." I muttered into his chest, I felt him smile as his face rested on my head.
"I love you, too." He returned.
"Oh, get a room." Josh called from the doorway.
"We're in it." I laughed.
"Get a girlfriend." Juicy giggled, Josh rolling his eyes and running downstairs. All of a sudden we heard
"WHO THE HELL PUT THIS GRUBBY ASS FLAG IN MY ROOM?!" Juicy and I were creased and quickly rushed to our balcony to hide. Our balcony connected to Mully and Hollin's whose connected to the others with stairs. Ours on the top floor was bigger and even had a small pool with a few deck chairs. The outside was beautiful. The house consisted of grey brick and tiles with a large garage for everyone's cars. There was a second, bigger pool outside and a garden with a hot tub resting in the middle of it.

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