A Night To Remember

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I dressed myself in a small, tight, black, sequinned dress. Soon, Juicy came into the room. He had on black, ripped jeans with a red and black checkered shirt and black shoes. I was almost finished getting ready, simply curling my hair. I turned around to Juicy's widened eyes.
"You- you look great!" He stuttered, staring to the floor and rubbing the back of his neck, awkwardly.
"You too!" I blushed, picking up the hair curler once more, "I'm nearly done."
"How did you do that?!" He exclaimed, running up beside me.
"Do what?" I smiled, looking back having finished my hair.
"Your make-up! When we did it on that video-"
"Oh god." I laughed, "you, Eddie and Narrator! I laughed so much when you thought blush was foundation!"
"I still looked good though." Juicy winked, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah you did!" I smirked, looking into his eyes and watching his cheeks redden.
"Are you guys ready?!" Narrator called. He and Eddie had drove here together a few minutes ago and were already ready!
"Come on pendejos, I wanna party, fool!" Eddie laughed as he began to dance (or what he called dance) in the hallway. Juicy and I laughed as I grabbed my bag. Thanks to my heels, I was only a little shorter than Juicy.
"Hey, you're taller than Josh now!" Narrator laughed as I walked out.
"We need to do this again with him, Mully and Smashing." I laughed.
"Are you excited to meet Smashing tomorrow?" Narrator asked, referring to the video.
"Can't wait!" I smiled. Macey soon knocked on the door, beaming in a cute, pink and purple pastel dress, making Eddie's jaw drop.
"M-mami!" He stuttered as his cheeks glowed red, Macey laughing.
"Come on, Eddie." Narrator laughed, leading him out the door as I raised my eyebrows to Macey, she simply giggled and followed us out.
"This may be easier than we thought." Juicy whispered in my ear. I jumped in the front besides Juicy. We were riding alone, the others riding in Narrator's car (both Narrator and Juicy said they weren't going to drink).

Once there, we were let in immediately, Juicy running over to the man by the stage. We had decided to sing Shallow together as we had found a petition asking Juicy to sing it. He had his guitar in his hand as we asked to sing, us being told we were singing after three other people.
"I'm so nervous." I sighed, shaking and jumping around on the spot.
"Me too." Juicy smiled, squeezing my hand before our names were called. Juicy saw me panic further, causing him to take hold of my waist, pulling me to face him, his hand resting on my chin and his other on my arm.
"Just think it's us on that stage, no one else. Sing it to me, not them." I smiled and nodded before climbing onto the stage.
"It's Maiya Swan!" Someone shouted before Juicy silenced the room by strumming the guitar. Eddie, Macey, Narrator and Lleu watched close by, all smiling as Juicy began to sing. All the way through, his eyes were on me as I blushed. None of my fans, or friends for that matter, had heard me sing, apart from Juicy, making me realize how good I had to be. As the instrumental came to an end, Juicy smiled and nodded, before I had to sing. I closed my eyes with the first note, before opening them to see Narrator beaming and nodding with every word, Eddie and Macey's mouths dropped slightly, smiling. Lleu had obviously had a drink already as he began to cheer, Narrator glancing every so often. Finally, I began to belt the chorus, hearing Narrator and Eddie shout as I looked at Juicy with the words "we're far from the shallow now," he was beaming strongly as he quietly sang along. Lleu, by this point, was almost on a table, before Narrator pulled him from the chair, Lleu still cheering. With that, Juicy and I's eyes never left each others' apart from when I would close my eyes for stronger notes. Suddenly, I noticed two people cheering at the bar. Once finished, Juicy helped me climb down from the stage, hugging me when we got off.
"You guys were amazing!" Narrator exclaimed.
"Damn, she definitely serenaded you with that voice, Juicy! You blushed all the way through!" Eddie laughed, Macey nodding.
"I-it's hot on that stage." Juicy muttered before leaving to put the guitar in his car. I wandered over to the bar, to grab a drink, tapping someone on the shoulder.
"Fancy seeing you here." Millie laughed as she took a drink once more, Roger waving.
"Are you two stalking us?" I laughed.
"Just seeing if one of you makes a move." Roger smirked, Millie nodding, I laughed.
"You two are unbelievable." I turned to see a girl stood with Juicy, her back to me, Juicy awkwardly smiling. As I got closer, I recognized her.
"I saw you two's pictures, you're even cuter in person." She flirted, placing her hand on his arm. Juicy moved his arm, making her move her hand away once more, before he noticed me.
"Excuse me." He quickly moved, walking to me, the girl turning around.
"Maiya! Great song!" Scarlett smiled.
"Thanks." I frowned before walking away, Juicy following.
"Damn, she's forward." Juicy sighed.
"All I heard was her saying you 'looked cuter in person', what else did she say?" I frowned.
"She was just flirting, it made me uncomfortable, to be honest." I frowned, she'd always seemed nice, maybe it was the alcohol, but I wasn't sure. I chose to ignore it and enjoy my night.

After a short while, someone had requested Juicy and I sing another song. Juicy smiled before going to retrieve the guitar, once more. We decided to sing A Thousand Years, Scarlett snarling as we climbed onto stage. As I looked to the audience, I nudged Juicy, nodding over to Eddie and Macey who were kissing! Juicy smiled and did a small fist bump before playing. He told me to sing most of it, himself joining in on the choruses. Our eyes focused on each other's for most of the song and voices harmonized amazingly with the choruses! Each time we said "loved" Juicy's cheeks would glow further red. Our eyes parted when the second verse began, I looked to Scarlett when singing "I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me" herself frowning as I did so. Our microphones were close together though, when the song softened, we moved even closer. His face was inches from mine, it felt as if it were only him and I in the room. As if we were in his room once more. The song ended too soon with Juicy leaning in slightly, but quickly stepping back when he heard the applause, perhaps forgetting where we were. Once we climbed off of the stage, Narrator pulled Juicy back on, whispering something in his ear. I had saw Narrator talk to the man who ran who sings when whilst Juicy and I had been singing. Once Narrator had finished whispering to Juicy, he laughed and jumped on the stage, Eddie following them up. They had to set something up, allowing Lleu, Macey and I to talk.
"I saw you two." I smirked, Macey turning red.
"Oh, that." She muttered, "he asked me-"
"To be his girlfriend?!" Lleu exclaimed, spilling some of his drink, Macey nodding. Lleu and I squealed in excitment before a familiar tune began to play. Eddie stood in between Juicy and Narrator, all "dancing" or just bouncing around throwing random hand gestures. Macey and I began to laugh as they began to rap Green Gang.
"Yes!" Lleu called as we laughed and cheered. As Narrator began to rap his first verse, Eddie and Juicy jumped from the stage to pull all three of us on. Lleu stood by Narrator's side, Macey by Eddie's and myself by Juicy's as we all sang the song, Lleu almost falling over for most of it. We laughed off of the stage before sitting down at an empty table. Macey had told Lleu and I not to tell anyone about her and Eddie as they were going to tell everyone when we were all sober. Each of us took it in turns to get some drinks in, Narrator and Juicy just having a coke or lemonade every now and then. When it was my turn, Juicy kept offering to come with me but I assured him I was fine, I knew he was watching me the whole way there and back, which made me feel safe.
"Juicy, stop watching her!" I heard Eddie shout, Juicy shushing him.
"Dawg, are you looking at her-"
"Eddie, shut up, god dammit!" Juicy shouted, I laughed, knowing it was only because he was worried about me. After ordering the drinks, l stood, waiting at the bar when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, you're that actress in the new Star Wars movie, aren't you?" A man asked, to which I simply nodded. He looked a little older than me and was pretty drunk.
"Got a boyfriend?" He smirked, I noticed Juicy was sat upright, staring at us. I didn't know what to say so I just thought of the first thing I could think of.
"Yeah, I have." I muttered, turning to the bar tender who was nearly done. Juicy was now stood up as the man rolled his eyes.
"That stupid YouTuber?" He laughed, "come on, you can do better than him, love."
"No I can't." I smiled, "he's the best, so please don't talk about him like that." I really wanted to shout at him to leave Juicy alone, but I needed to maintain a good image.
"Is he here?" The man asked, edging closer.
"Yes, he is." A wanted voice echoed, as Juicy stood beside the man, a lot taller than him. He wandered over to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulder.
"You two said you aren't even together." The man laughed.
"Yeah, well we are, we just don't want a lot of publicity."
"Fine." The man sighed, rolling his eyes and wandering away.
"Thanks." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist, Juicy simply smiled, his arms resting on my shoulders.

After multiple drinks, we decided to leave. Lleu was carried out by Narrator, bridal style. Narrator beamed as he did so, placing him beside Eddie in the car. The more Eddie had drunk, the more he spoke Spanish, by the end of the night we had no idea what he was saying.
"Bye." Macey smiled before climbing into Narrator's car.
"Adios, pendejos!" Eddie laughed, sliding in beside Macey. I don't remember much after that. I simply remember Juicy singing to Queen whilst I drifted off and eventually fell asleep with my head pressed against his window.

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