Moving to America

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The bright beams of light from my window swayed across my bed, informing me of a new day. Only, today was not an average day, I was travelling to America! Checking my phone, I saw the car was coming to pick me up in three hours to take me to the airport. Flashbacks played in my mind as I remembered the director informing me of landing the lead role in the movie. Smiling to myself, I climbed out of bed, wrapped my dressing gown around me and travelled downstairs. After hearing my phone buzz a few times, I decided to check it, seeing three new messages:

From Mam
Me and your dad wanted to say good luck for today, we'll miss you loads, love you! Xxx

From Professor Seaton
Good luck in America, Maiya! We'll see you back on campus afterwards to finish your course :)

Juicy just uploaded

After answering my other two messages, I smiled knowing I would have time to watch his video after getting ready. I laughed so much, I had to watch it again, forgetting what was happening. Suddenly, in the middle of Juicy screaming "I don't speak Taco Bell!" my phone began to ring, informing me that my manager, Johnathan, was waiting for me outside in the limo. I know, a limo! It was all so surreal! It first really hit me when I had to travel to London for a photo shoot, allowing them to place ourselves on the posters and movie covers. When leaving, there were thousands of people gathering around the building which two security members backed away, allowing myself and a few others to get past. People were banging on my limo window, screaming "I love you, Maiya!" sending chills across my body. This was always my dream and now after years of hard work it is a reality!

After rapidly grabbing my bags (and running back inside to grab my phone), I climbed into the limo, ready to go to the airport, Juicy's video still playing through my headphones, little to my knowledge.
"We will be staying in a hotel ten miles from the studio." Johnathan told me.
"I bet it's expensive." I laughed, "near a movie studio and Disney Land."
"It is." Johnathan sighed, "luckily for us, we aren't paying for it. You'll have three days to settle in, giving you time to look over your script, before going to the set for the first time on Monday. You'll also have every Wednesday and Saturday off."
"That's not too bad." I smiled.
"You'll be waking up at 3:00 every morning and you won't be getting home till 10:00."
"I'll have breaks right..." I sighed, feeling the fatigue already.
"Of course. You'll have your trailer to stay in, too, when you're not on set."

The journey was long, but luckily I had The Boys to keep me occupied. Despite turning celebrity overnight, I never forgot where I came from, what The Boys had helped me through. I'd watched them since I was 15 and I was not about to stop now! They'd helped me through break-ups, through the stress of GCSE's, through the stress of school in general, through fall outs and just dealing with fake people. I always knew I had the boys and it may sound sad but I trusted them more than most of the people I knew! I loved them all! Mully's laugh always made me laugh along. It's one of the best laughs I've heard and always makes me crack up. Josh's eyes are so mesmerising! He was the first of the boys that I discovered. I remember scrolling through TicToc and seeing a video including him, Smashing and Mully as the brush characters and thinking "what on Earth is this?!" After watching the TicToc and a few others, I was hysterical and saw the link to his YouTube. After just one video, I was hooked. I love he and Mully's Australian accents. The way they pronounce some words just make me laugh for some reason! Narrator is adorable! When I first heard his narrator voice, I believed it was his real voice (as you can imagine, I was a little disappointed when I found out it wasn't). My favourite voice of Narrator's is his trap voice, I was mind-blown when I first heard it, I don't know how he can go that high! Eddie is just amazing! I love his Mexican accent and his smile is the cutest! And Juicy. Juicy has always been my favourite! From his looks to his singing, he was just perfect and I've always had quite a crush on him. He's just so cute and funny and such a good person.

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