Lunch With The Boys

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Piling into the room stood Lleu, Josh, Mully, Eddie and Narrator.
"Princess Leia." Josh bowed, Eddie laughing.
"Guys." Narrator said, as deeply as possible, my mouth dropping, "do you not realize what we just walked in on?"
"I didn't want to say anything, I thought it would make things awkward." Eddie mumbled.
"You guys didn't walk in on anything. Let's go." Juicy muttered, rushing out of the room, his cheeks bright red. I stumbled backwards a little, terrible thoughts slithering through my mind. Was kissing me embarrassing for Gaege? Was he just kissing me for a bit of fun and didn't actually mean it? The boys all awkwardly left the room, Narrator waiting back for me.
"Are you okay?" He asked as we walked down the hallway.
"Is it embarrassing for him that we kissed?" I muttered.
"Of course not!" Narrator smiled, his hand around my shoulders, he towered above me, however it never phased me "I'll talk to him for you. Is that all you two did?" He smirked, nudging my side.
I laughed "yes it was."
"I'm a big fan, by the way." He smiled.
"I'm a big fan of you!" I exclaimed, "I've watched you for years!"

In the living room, Josh, Mully and Eddie sat on the sofa, Gaege sat on a chair, his face in his hands, staring to the ground. Josh tapped the space beside him as Narrator sat on the other chair. Lleu strangely kept staring a Narrator, turning red each time the looked back. However, every time Narrator caught him looking at him, he smiled to himself. Josh noticed me watching this and whispered "I'll explain later." Lleu wandered to the kitchen, grabbing us all a drink. Sitting in silence, I felt really awkward. I'd always pictured myself meeting the boys, however I didn't think it would be sitting in awkward silence.
"So, Maiya, what do you think of America?" Narrator asked, eventually.
"Oh, are you not American?" Josh asked.
"How could you not tell she's British?" Mully laughed.
"It's hot." I giggled, "in all seriousness, it's nice, I still miss home, though."
"So where in England are you from?" Eddie smiled, his Mexican accent even thicker in person.
"The North-East. I was in a University in a city called Newcastle."
"Oh, so you haven't finished school yet?" Mully frowned, Gaege still sat quietly.
"No. I was at University, studying performing arts when I got a call from a professor I get on well with, he told me about the audition so I went for it. I had to send in a video. It was just so that I could have experience with auditions, I never imagined I would get the part! Anyways, I got a call saying I didn't get it at first, which I was completely fine with. A few days later, I got another call saying they want to meet me and three other girls. I had to travel down to London, they let us do a physical audition. One girl was really arrogant and cocky, I swore to myself that I needed to try harder than ever just to beat her. They saw how horrible she was and decided not to give her the part, which they were going to. I travelled back to Newcastle and received a call a few days later, I got the part."
"That's amazing!" Eddie exclaimed, "so what about University?"
"Professor Seaton, the professor who told me about the audition, said I would be able to come back to University when we are done shooting the movie and finish my course if I wanted." I smiled. All the boys started talking about this, every time I glanced at Gaege, he was still staring to the floor. Narrator noticed this and stood up, tapped Gaege on the shoulder and the two left. We all watched them leave, Josh then looking at me.
"Don't worry about him." He whispered, "it's not you." That confused me more, if it wasn't me, then what was it? Suddenly, Lleu came running in, smiling.
"I just got a message from Macey, my good friend, she's a really big fan of yours, Maiya and wants to meet you." Eddie blushed, smiling a little with the mention of her name.
"I'll explain that later, too." Josh smirked, gesturing towards Eddie. I got on really well with the boys. I found it comforting that Josh was only slightly taller than me. I'm pretty small for my age. It felt as if Narrator and I had known each other for years, he was literally there for me since day one. Mully and I would generally laugh at each other with just one glance. We could never be serious around each other. Eddie was so nice! We would sit and have wholesome conversations, forever compliment each other and just smile and laugh. A little while later, Narrator came in, tapped my shoulder and waited for me to follow him upstairs. Josh smiled and nodded at me as I stood up and followed.

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