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1 month later

Bokuto met up with Akaashi at the end of the day, right outside of school. For about 2 weeks now, they had been doing this and then walking to Kuroo's house together. Akaashi's parents were finally convinced to let him stay there, but he had to call them every night. Not a bad price to pay. They were also fine with the soulmate situation, which was a weight off their shoulders.

Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's hand and chuckled as he blushed. He didn't know if Bokuto would ever get used to the romance involved in relationships, but that was what Akaashi liked about him. He was still just as childish as before. Akaashi had also taken up calling him Bō* in public, just to see him blush. Kuroo and Kozume both followed suit soon after.

Bokuto hummed as they walked, Akaashi joined in partway through the song, after identifying what it was.

Kuroo and Kozume were sitting on Kuroo's couch, watching random (chaotic) YouTube videos. Right now, they were watching Wii sports-Baseball-Corruption craziness. (Go watch it just search "wii corruption" they're so good)

Kozume was trying to make Kuroo sit in the most uncomfortable position he could make him, so he kept shifting on top of the blocker. He eventually decided it was too much effort and just laid down on his stomach across Kuroo's thighs. He would never admit to thinking his thighs were hot, so don't even ask.

Based on the time, Bokuto and Akaashi would be there any second, so Kozume stood so he could let them in once they got there. Kuroo complained that his legs were now "about to fall off because they're so cold", but Kozume did as always and ignored him.

Kozume opened Kuroo's front door before Akaashi and Bokuto were even 10 feet in front of the house, slightly scaring them. Before Bokuto could go on a 20 minute rant about him being a mind reader or fortune teller, Kozume ushered them inside.

"How was school?" Kuroo asked. Akaashi scoffed.

"You and I both know you don't care."

"I kind of do. But you're right." Kuroo flopped down on the couch so that he was laying down. Bokuto almost jumped on top of him when he saw the video.

"I've watched this 400 times and it gets me every. Single. Time."

"I should've turned it off before he came in." Kozume said to Akaashi.

"Definitely. Too late now. Unless you want him to be upset for five seconds."

"I do not want to see him upset. His face should have a smile and only a smile." Akaashi giggled.

"That's what I thought you'd say."

"Are you guys going to watch this insanity or not?" Kuroo asked from the other room. Both setters were tempted to say no, but the captains' puppy-dog faces switched their answers quickly. They got in their usual position. Bokuto with Kozume on his lap, Akaashi and Kuroo on either side.

Kozume and Akaashi fell asleep after an hour or so, so Kuroo and Bokuto talked quietly to one another.

"Bō?" Bokuto blushed and turned to the side. "I didn't used to believe in soulmates."


"Yeah. But that first time that we shook hands, and that weird feeling of warmth covered me. I didn't even think of it at the time, even though something was obviously going on. Every time that we wrote to each other and we learned just a little bit about each other. Like when I learned you could actually write in cursive. When those things happened, I think I was falling in love so slowly I didn't even notice."

"Oya oya?"

"Since the day you moved in here. Since a couple days after when I got to punch your dad in the face when we went back to get your stuff. Those little things led to the bigger ones. I never used to believe in soulmates, but now I do."

"Oya oya oya?"

"And since the day Kenma could write with us, and we were all confused and panicking. And from when Keiji could as well. The uncertainty of everything, and yet the feeling that it's all fine and right where it should be. I always thought that love was something you felt. But getting to know you and Keiji better, and Kenma opening up..."

"It's something you know, right?"

"Hey! That's my line."

"I get it, too. When I first turned 17, and I couldn't write, I was so disappointed. And then you came along and I was happier. You'd think when KenKen and 'Kaashi did, I'd be confused, or scared. And I was, for about 30 seconds. I've always known that soulmates were for a reason. Our first date skating, us getting 'Kaashi's parents to let him stay here. At any given moment that we're together, we're happy. Even on that night with my parents. As soon as I got here, you and KenKen were right there waiting, and I felt better instantly. Not physically, but mentally."

"And when you guys were convincing my parents to let me stay here, and they were skeptical that you could take care of me. Even though there was so much room for error, you did it anyway." Akaashi yawned.

Kozume shook off the nap and spoke. "You guys are so annoying~" he sighed. "But I agree. When I first saw two different handwritings on my arm, I freaked out. Yet it wasn't, like, scary. It was just 'oh, ok. That's unexpected'."

"This is so sappy." Kuroo stated. The four laughed.

"But it's all true." Akaashi said.

"Is it fate, is it love? Who knows, who cares? I got you guys, and that all I need." Bokuto said, kissing each of them. Kuroo's parents walked back to their room.

"We should stop eavesdropping." His mother stated.

"But they're so cute! Their lives are like a romantic comedy movie." His mother sighed.

"First you ship them, now you pretend they're movie characters."

"Either way, they're happy. They just might be in deeper love then you and me."

"Oh, shush." His mother playfully hit his arm. "You just might be right, though."

"The four of them are soulmates, and they're in love."

El fin

*Bō is like a male version of -chan, and it's to mean the person's endearing. Fits Bokuto pretty well tbh*

Final chapter of the story! I'll post a short description of how the one shots will work after this. It's also my birthday sO ya. Hope you enjoyed! Goodnight ✌️

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