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November 17th, Kuroo's 17th birthday

Kuroo woke up at his usual time, but died a little inside. His parents were going to make a huge deal out of his birthday. Sure, it was the day that he'd finally be able to write to his soulmate, but he didn't truly believe in any of that stuff.

His parents were soulmates and were together and everything, but they knew each other before they knew they were soulmates. He grew up with the idea that he'd find the right person and know it, not have to write all over his skin for it.

Kuroo was scientifically based. There wasn't a reason for soulmates to have to end up together, and there was no reason to believe they should. So why now, on the day that he'd be able to talk with his soulmate (probably), did he feel so nervous? Or maybe... maybe it was because he already had his eyes on someone.

Was it because he didn't believe it? Maybe he wouldn't be able to talk to them because of that? Or because he already felt stuff towards someone? He felt something brush against his wrist and tried to flick it off, before realizing nothing was there. Right, if your soulmate already was 17 and it was close to your own time, you could feel their writing, even if you couldn't see it or write back yet. Kuroo couldn't help but be slightly disappointed that his soulmate couldn't be Kozume if they could already write.

Maybe it would be okay, and his soulmate would be fine with never wanting to meet or date just because the universe said so. Maybe he'd still have a chance with Kozume if he felt the same. It would be fine, Kuroo decided.

School passed, Kuroo actually subconsciously counted down until 3:26 pm. It would be during practice, but, he decided, it would be fine.

He managed to distract everyone to avoid them looking at the time, not wanting to be crowded around when the time came. At 3:24 he excused himself to the bathroom, bringing a pen with him.

Longest 2 minutes of his life. The second year sat in a stall, pulling out his phone every 10 seconds. It had still only been a single minute. He put his phone away to just sit and wait. He was daydreaming for a few seconds before he felt a numbing sensation fall through him. He checked the time, noticing a small flower drawn on his wrist. He definitely didn't do that.

'Hi.' Kuroo wrote on the inside of his arm.

'So you're my soulmate?' Kuroo stared at the writing. It was very curvy, any points that were supposed to be prominently displayed in letters were instead rounded. Somehow the soulmates handwriting seemed like it described the character, loopy and fun.

'I suppose.' Kuroo responded. He felt like they had been friends for years. Like they knew everything about each other. Kuroo had a protected and crazy feeling raging in his chest, almost like they were best friends that would anything for each other.

'That's some fancy talk.' Kuroo chuckled.

'Do you also have a feeling like we know each other really well? Like we're best friends or something?'

'That's normal for these. Everyone feels something a little different. Like, some people feel protective or annoyed at the person, even if they don't actually know them.'

'How do you know so much?'

'I've been 17 for a couple months now. Research.'

'I gotta go. We can chat later?'

'Sure. C u, bff.'

'Ha ha. See you.' Kuroo thought for a second and added something else. 'Bff.' He walked out of the bathroom and back to the gym, stepping in there a little scared.

"So, what did you talk about?" A third year teasingly asked. Kuroo blushed.

"Nothing. None of your business, I mean."

"Sure, sure. You were only in there for 10 minutes."

"I didn't mean to take that long." Kuroo raised his arm to awkwardly scratch his neck, revealing the long lines of text. The third year winked and went back to receiving with another teammate. Nobuyuki and Morisuke both nudged Kuroo with their elbows, making him blush a little harder.

Maybe the whole soulmate thing wouldn't be too bad after all.

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