Insult (one shot)

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Words: Just over 800

Trigger warning: MAJOR HOMOPHOBIA/ANTI-POLY STUFF, implied flashback

I think someone requested this, but it's been too long for me to go look for the comment.

"Mommy! That's him!" Bokuto ignored the child yelling and seemingly jumping up and down behind him for the time being. He just needed a few groceries, then he could get home to his boyfriends' waiting arms. 

"Who is it?" The woman who was most likely the child's mom asked. 

"The volleyball player! The one dating Nyan-ma!" The woman immediately spun and glared at Bokuto, who looked back at her in confusion.

"Honey, go find the eggs for mommy," the woman stated, pushing the child off a bit towards the cold aisle. The child gave her a similar confused look at the one Bokuto was giving but ran off. "I never want to see your fucking face again, got that?" Bokuto blinked and placed the box of pasta he was holding into his cart.

"I guess so?" The woman stalked right up to Bokuto's cart.

"You aren't listening, bitch. You ruined my daughter and now she wants to have multiple girlfriends. You're a selfish dick, and I hope god lets you rot for your sins!" Bokuto blinked a few times to force the tears out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, you fucking aren't. And that's my issue with you fags! You spread your diseased selves all over the place and ruin perfect little kids. Your "boyfriends" probably hate you for all the shit you did to them." The woman went to where her child had gone and left Bokuto in a dazed state.

Bokuto took a second to process before finally questioning, "...What was that?"

After checking out and sitting in the car for a few minutes, Bokuto drove himself and all the groceries home, calling Akaashi when he was a few minutes away to let him to know to come help unload everything.

"Are you ok? You sound choked up." Bokuto threw out a cheery confirmation that he was fine and hung up, only making Akaashi more suspicious. 

It took a few minutes to unpack everything, but they got it done. Kozume was currently streaming and Kuroo had gone on a walk (undoubtedly to avoid unloading the groceries), so it was just Akaashi chilling on the couch with Bokuto's head in his lap.

"So, what happened at the store that made you upset?" Bokuto flinched and just turned so he was facing Akaashi's stomach. "Kotaro, come on." The younger stroked his fingers through the spiker's hair earnestly, only to find that Bokuto was trembling. Bokuto trembling was a different kind of upset than his emo-mode or anger. Bokuto trembling was scary for Akaashi because he had only seen it twice before, and only during the couple days after the fight with his parents. Bokuto trembling meant he was really upset about whatever happened.

"Just some stupid parent," Bokuto whispered. "She said you all probably hated me and she hopes I rot in hell or something." Another note: Bokuto's voice was always scarily steady in these moments.

"Well, you know that's not true."

"I do know!" Bokuto quickly sat up and looked Akaashi in the eye. "I know that. She had a kid who seemed like they wanted to say something to me. They were a little child, Keiji. Like, five or so. They were a fan of mine and Kenma's. The poor kid probably heard her berate me." Akaashi sighed and grabbed Bokuto's hands. He should have known Bokuto was more concerned about someone else.

"What about that concerns you?"

Bokuto pulled back from Akaashi and put one of his hands on his forearm, drifting into his head for a minute. Akaashi took Bokuto's free hand and gently intertwined it with his own, tracing his thumb up and down the older's manus until he snapped back to the conversation.

"Homophobic women scare me," Bokuto stated lowly. Akaashi forced himself out of his own memories of that night and carefully took Bokuto's other hand.

"That's ok. And you're ok, right? The kid is more than likely just fine. Hey," Akaashi used his own free hand to lift Bokuto's head and stroke his cheek, "you have to listen. You're both ok. You're ok, right?" Bokuto nodded and leaned his face further into Akaashi's hand, squeezing the other a bit. "I love you."


Bokuto was able to calm down after that and explain the situation to Kozume and Kuroo later during dinner. Obviously, they were both ready to fight. It took a solid three minutes for Akaashi to calm them both down again.

"Fine, then. If we can't fight that..." Kuroo seemed to race through a few different choice words in his head. "...Bad Inconsiderate Thoughtless Cowardly Hag, we'll just have to comfort you to heaven and back, huh?" Bokuto snickered.

"I suppose that is indeed the case, my good sir."

While the cuddles didn't completely distract from the worries on Bokuto's mind, they certainly helped ease them.

So hey there. I forget the plot of most of the other oneshots I had started so if I post any more here they probably won't be old requests. Sorry for that. Just be glad I posted, peasants. Next thing posted here might be a super special and fancy part two to this but also maybe not. Who knows? Anyway, goodnight✌️

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