Halloween part 2 (future, sfw) (one shot)

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"Kotaro, no!" Akaashi yelled, grabbing six Snickers out of Bokuto's hands.

"Eh, Keiji~ I'm never allowed to have chocolate!"

"Yeah, for two good reasons, too." Kuroo butted in. Bokuto whined and Akaashi gave him one of the Snickers back. "Why do I even bother training you at all? Keiji just gives in to your whining all the time."

"Because he's nice." Kozume walked into the room and gave everyone the finger. "Mean, Kenma!"

"I need to do my Halloween stream. I swear on the cat's life if you guys are yelling in the background the entire time-" Bokuto gasped and grabbed the cat, Mr. Meowse. (If you know what youtubers I'm referring to with that name, I love you now.)

The three boys nodded and Kozume went to his gaming/streaming room. Kuroo tackled Bokuto and Akaashi onto the couch and put on a movie (but on mute with subtitles. He did just tell Kozume he'd be quiet).

The four had been living a good life. After Kuroo and Bokuto graduated high school and went to college, Kozume and Akaashi would switch off sleeping at both their houses- it was typically Kozume's, since his house was more in the middle of the schools. The older two would still visit more often then they should've, plus they went to many, many, of the volleyball games.

It was weird, seeing a soon-to-be volleyball star and soon-to-be professional volleyball coach at a high school volleyball game, but who was anyone to judge?

In return, Akaashi and Kozume would somehow convince their parents to let them go to some of Bokuto's games. They had a pretty good balance for them all going to different schools and living, at the minimum, 30 minutes away from each other.

Akaashi and Kozume then graduated, also went to college, watched Bokuto and Kuroo graduate, then graduated themselves. Since they survived all that with a side of fries, they decided it would be fine to move in together. Properly, not just staying with Kuroo's parents. Though they were all sure they wouldn't mind if they did.

Kuroo's parents did help them find a place right down the street, after all.

They were all in their mid/late 20's now, and they were living every person's dream life. They all had their dream jobs, plenty of money for a comfortable living situation (plus some [a lot]), and each other. Very cheesy, yet exactly correct.

"Are we giving out candy tonight?" Bokuto asked, as clueless as ever.

"Is it Halloween?" Kuroo responded.


"Dammit, Ko. Yes, we're handing out candy." Akaashi sighed and sprawled himself across both of their laps. "Is something wrong, Keiji?"

"Nope. I was just longing for sentimental touch." Kuroo pinched his cheek and shook it a bit, waiting until Akaashi slapped him away to let go.

It slightly scared Kozume and Bokuto how rough they were with each other, but they learned that it was their dynamic pretty quickly. Neither one ever got hurt for real, so they accepted it.

A while longer passed before Kozume emerged from his room, looked tired as all heck.

"Good stream?" Kuroo asked, even though he already knew the answer.

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